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IPFS News Link • Animals and Pets

The Plan to Force Cattlemen to Report Greenhouse Gas Emissions

• Lonesome Lands -

The USDA has been trying to mandate the use of Electronic ID tags for almost 20 years. They have now proposed a new rule only mandating all animals over 30 months old, crossing state lines would have to have the tags. At the same time, the United States' two largest beef packers, Tyson and Cargill, are pushing ESG plans. Included in these plans is what is called scope 3, where they will eventually force all of their suppliers to calculate their greenhouse gases. In Tyson's ESG report they state that what is stopping them from forcing their cattle suppliers to do that now is that there is not an easy way to keep those records. The EID tags would simplify that record keeping. Meaning once the EID tags are mandated the next step will be to mandate the information required to be kept on the tags. Read more here: