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Political Theory

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Article Image, By eric

It is said that the Thing shuffling up to the podium to rail against the Second Amendment and that attempts to read the script blaming Putin for the effects of his "executive orders" on energy (and so, food) prices via the closing down of gas pip

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

By now, even the most diehard welfare-warfare statist has to acknowledge that we are living in a weird, dysfunctional, drug-addled, poverty-producing, and violence-prone society.

Article Image

Eric Peters Autos

The irony about "democracy" is it isn't even that. Ostensibly, it is majority rule - which sounds superficially appealing, to people who've not given it much thought.

Article Image, by John W. Whitehead

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative wars of ideological containment, usually on terrain chosen by, and favorable to, our enemies.

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