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Events: America

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Imagine a ticket for "failure to display a front license plate" - not even a moving violation - costing you almost six figures. Nathan Cox of Mechanicsville, VA doesn't have to, because he lived it.

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(Natural News) Tens of millions of Americans support President Donald J. Trump's efforts to "drain the swamp" in Washington, D.C., and for good reason: The federal government has become far too powerful and has way too much influence in our dai

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(Natural News) Tens of millions of Americans support President Donald J. Trump's efforts to "drain the swamp" in Washington, D.C., and for good reason: The federal government has become far too powerful and has way too much influence in our dai

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Unlike conventional radios, which are designed to work with specific waveforms (AM and FM, cellular, digital TV, and WiFi, for example), software defined radios can send and receive many different waveforms, and toggle between them on the fly by mean

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YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki sat down with CNN to talk about women in tech, and wait until you hear about the biggest problem she's faced in the industry as a woman! Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

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Part of noninterventionism in foreign affairs is refraining from using threats, sanctions, foreign aid, or military attacks to make the governments of other countries change their actions in their own countries.

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Should free speech cover criticizing the government? That is kind of the whole point, right? An Oregon man is suing Portland for violating his first amendment right to free speech after he was fined $500 for calculating how long yellow lights stay y

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I don't know how many news reports entitled "the two faces of Trump" or "Two-faced Trump" have been written since his election as President of the United States.