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According to their recollections, more than half of the survivors reported that during the time they were in danger, not only were they not afraid, on the contrary, their minds were clear, calm and comfortable. In such a dangerous situation, there wa

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Next News Network

Two planets, Kapteyn B and C, and been discovered orbiting a star just 13 light years from Earth. One of these may be able to harbor alien life. Kapteyn B is a planet over five times the size of Earth, and orbits its home star once every 48 days.

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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Whale carcasses are home to complex ecosystems, first attracting scavengers such as sharks, then smaller opportunists such as crabs and shrimp-like creatures called amphipods. Osedax - or "zombie worms" - feed on the animal's bones, while speciali

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In fact if artificial gravity management is possible, then we will also find folks able to establish a presence on the gas giants if desired for some odd reason. Without artificial gravity we can establish a clear presence almost everywhere except

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Typically, the more protons and neutrons are added into an atomic nucleus, the more unstable an atom becomes. Most super-heavy elements last just microseconds or nanoseconds before decaying. Yet, scientists have predicted that an "island of stabilit

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In the early 1980s, the ratio of males to females in the top 0.01% of maths scores in SAT, the Scholastic Aptitude Test, was around 13 to 1. By the early 1990s it had fallen to four to one. After this, however, it remained obstinately unaltered (see

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Gibson then performed a second experiment to ensure the suitability of the whey protein in the baseline diet, and discovered that when he repeated the experiment with the baseline diet labeled as "treatment," his subjects reported increased gastroint

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During their constant battle to expand, control and identify their territories, ancient civilizations have left a legacy of geoglyphs on the shores and highlands of land masses, and islands, around the world.

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The 3-billion-year-old grooves on Phoboscan be divided into different "families," with each groove plane running parallel to the other grooves within the same family, Murray told The widths of the grooves vary greatly, from 76 feet (2

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if Mars is inhabited, the intelligent beings who exist there would not like the idea of a device placed on the surface of their moonlet for purposes of constant observation. Consequently, in his opinion, they did something about it. Burdakov's view

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Her unusually small waist is only part of what makes a Playmate so curvy. The other part is having relatively normal- size hips and legs that are well endowed with fat. Even a thin woman carries an astonishing amount of fat in her legs and hips—about

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Six years ago, Parmesan suggested that the endangered quino could be a prime candidate for "assisted colonisation" – to be moved by humans to cooler, unspoilt habitat north of Los Angeles. Instead, to the amazement of scientists, the butterfly did

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here are also people speeding and racing, doing their makeup, eating, texting, talking on the phone, using their laptops or iPads, fighting with their children, drinking alcohol, popping pills, smoking meth, ghost riding, falling asleep, shooting gun

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Equipped with this knowledge, Hampson and colleagues have been able to extend the animals' short-term, working memory using brain prosthetics to stimulate the hippocampus. They could coax a drugged monkey into performing closer to normal at a mem

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During informal discussions at the workshop, Nat Gopalswamy of the Goddard Space Flight Center noted that "without NASA's STEREO probes, we might never have known the severity of the 2012 superstorm. This shows the value of having 'space weather

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Another source of energy, which charges the atmosphere, is surface geothermal energy emitted by the earth. This Geothermal force, or GTF, moves the atmospheric gases in an equally unseen manner. We can see the power of GTF’s when they lift a giant

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We know so much about how the Universe works, their authors claim, that God is simply unnecessary: we can explain all the workings of the Universe without the need for a “creator.”

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The device consists of about a thousand ultrasound emitters, placed underwater. When turned on, scientists used it to tug along centimeter-sized objects (roughly half and inch), such as a small hollow triangular shape. Normally the effect of sending

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Next News Network

Graphene, a material with remarkable electrical and thermal properties, can now be made in small batches, using a common kitchen blender. The substance is composed of sheets of carbon atoms, just one atom thick. The material could revolutionize t

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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Neither Darwinists nor Intelligent Design proponents can begin to explain the answer to this question using their respective theories. However, researchers like Bruce Lipton in the field of epigenetics and Rupert Sheldrake and his theory of morphogen

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the researchers prepared solutions of various salts, including ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and sodium sulfate. Into their mixtures they placed two electrodes, one made of platinum and the other of graphite, which is essentially a conglomera

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Its latest weapon is an electromagnetic railgun launcher. It uses a form of electromagnetic energy known as the Lorentz force to hurl a 23-pound projectile at speeds exceeding Mach 7. Engineers already have tested this futuristic weapon on land, and

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an asteroid large enough to destroy a city is likely to occur about once every century or so," Ed Lu, a former NASA astronaut who now oversees the asteroid-hunting B612 Foundation, told reporters on a conference call. "There is a popular

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Then it began going off when I would step out onto the porch. For a while, I thought it was coincidence, then I began noticing lights turning off in other places.” For example, one night when she was walking with a friend, four lights went off as the

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Rather, from his grasp of classical philosophy and science, he has developed a convincing methodology for transcending time, not via a device or machine, but through the agency of human consciousness. It is not some futuristic technology, but present
