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United States

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Germany and France have backed the stance of Russia and China for negotiations to avert the Korea crisis. South Korea and Japan also seem to be amenable to recent calls by Russian President Vladimir Putin for exclusively diplomatic efforts. Any other

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After months of Donald Trump provocatively hectoring China about North Korea, under the false assumption that North Korea is a uniquely Chinese responsibility, China has now called on the US to do more to de-escalate the situation in a statement that

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We're witnessing a battle between authoritarian groups in America. The "Alt-Right" and Cultural Marxists are fighting to control a government that is bankrupt, doesn't follow the Constitution, and controls a foreign empire that is running on fumes.

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What kind of America are we leaving our children? This can best be summed up in the following: 1984 has arrived complete withe police state surveillance, mayhem and murder. America is well on its way to becoming the most prolific police state in all

Article Image By Jamie Seidel

American tank brigade rolls into Poland as fears grow Russia is planning ANOTHER Ukraine-style land grab

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America = So-called American values have done more harm to more people worldwide over a longer duration than any other nation in world history - a legacy of endless wars of aggression, predatory corporate empowerment and post-9/11 tyranny, nothing to

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The largest threat to our prosperity is government spending that far exceeds the authority enumerated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

Article Image, BY WILLIAM D. COHAN

Four years ago, JPMorgan Chase reached a then-record settlement with the Department of Justice after, among other things, the bank received a copy of a U.S. attorney's draft complaint documenting its alleged role in underwriting fraudulent securiti

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