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Jim Bovard 

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Jim Bovard
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James Bovard is the author of ten books, including Public Policy Hooligan (2012), Attention Deficit Democracy (2006), The Bush Betrayal (2004), and Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty (1994). He has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Playboy, Washington Post, New Republic, Reader's Digest, and many other publications. His books have been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, and Korean. He is a contributing editor for American Conservative magazine and The Freeman and a regular contributor to the Future of Freedom magazine. The Wall Street Journal called Bovard "the roving inspector general of the modern state," the New York Times tagged him "an anti-czar Czar," and Washington Post columnist George Will called him a "one-man truth squad." His 1994 book Lost Rights received the Free Press Association's Mencken Award as Book of the Year. His Terrorism and Tyranny won the Lysander Spooner Award for the Best Book on Liberty in 2003. He received the Thomas Szasz Award for Civil Liberties work, awarded by the Center for Independent Thought, and the Freedom Fund Award from the Firearms Civil Rights Defense Fund of the National Rifle Association. His writings have been publicly denounced by the chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the chief of the Transportation Security Administration, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Postmaster General, and the chiefs of the U.S. International Trade Commission, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, U.S. Agency for International Development, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as well as by the Sierra Club, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Washington Post. 

Current Columns and Articles

Feature Article
Why I Write 
   If I was expecting mental stimulation in Washington, I came to the wrong place. "Political thought" consists of making accusations or making excuses, and not much more. DC's "mental currents" usually let only the froth rise to the top
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Feature Article
Trump Should Ask Congress To Approve Military Intervention In Syria, If Members Want It So Badly 
   The House of Representatives voted 354 to 60 on Oct. 16 to condemn President Donald Trump's pullback of U.S. troops from eastern Syria as "beneficial to adversaries of the United States government."
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Feature Article
The Great Socialism Sex Charade 
   Vox is whooping up the wacky notion that "sex was better under socialism." Tell that to Romanian women forced to undergo monthly gyno exams to outlaw abortions because the government proclaimed in 1985 that "the fetus is the socialist property
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Feature Article
Podcast: No Halo for George H.W. Bush 
   Nine minutes of heresy: After former President George H.W. Bush died recently, many politicians and pundits sought to put a halo over his head and career, comparing Bush to Jesus and George Washington. But America still suffers from his debacles at
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Podcast: My Train Trip to Communist Hell 
   Millennials like Communism?!? I was vaccinated against it when I traveled to Romania, dodging secret agent hookers, surly clerks, and gullible guards with machine guns. I avoided arrest and whacked hell out of the regime in the New York Times after
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Podcast: My East German Interrogation Comedy Show 
   OK, so I screwed up in one of my illegal jaunts behind the Iron Curtain. But at least there's a funny story about how I was able to eventually bluster my way out of a long interrogation at the Czechoslovakian - East German border in the Erzgeb
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Feature Article
James Comey and the Unending Bush Torture Scandal 
   The vast regime of torture created by the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks continues to haunt America. The political class and most of the media have never dealt honestly with the profound constitutional corruption that such practices infli
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Feature Article
Beltway Baloney on "Speaking Truth to Power" 
   Lying and piety go together in Washington like ham and eggs. After 9/11, a profusion of government falsehoods on Iraq and other topics ravaged official credibility. The political class responded with an endless profusion of promises to "speak truth
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Feature Article
Podcast: How the Government Ruined my Work Ethic 
   One summer on the government payroll destroyed my work ethic for life. Plus, the inside scoop on why former Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole still hates me.
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Feature Article
Podcast: My Latest Brawl with the TSA by James Bovard 
   I filed a formal request for a video of that patdown six months ago. But TSA treats the Freedom of Information Act like the F**k Off Information Act and they are ignoring their legal duty to disclose.
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Feature Article
Forgotten FBI Anti-Terrorism Entrapment Debacles 
   The owner of the limousine company that killed 20 people in New York last weekend was an FBI informant who helped carry out two big entrapment operations against Muslims after 9/11. Prior to being recruited by the FBI, he was caught helping people ch
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Feature Article
Believe women: Apply Congress' Christine Blasey Ford test to TSA's female victims 
   Do members of Congress care about any sexual assault that does not permit them to politically grandstand? Hold TSA agents responsible for assaults.
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Feature Article
John McCain combined bombing with wishful thinking. We should learn from his mistakes. 
   John McCain has been lauded for his service, but his military crusades were rooted more in rhetoric than realism. They have failed to spread democracy.
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Feature Article
In Washington, the truth has refugee status 
   Perhaps the biggest whopper in Washington nowadays is the assumption that the government and the political class will automatically be trustworthy once the Trump era ends.
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Feature Article
Have you gained or lost weight? Congrats, TSA is now tracking you for suspicious activity. 
   Excessive yawning, strong body odor -- these are two ways you could become a target in TSA's new secret program, which treats ordinary people like terrorists.
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Feature Article
My July 4, 1996 Hell-Raising Libertarian Convention Speech (Enjoy!) 
   On July 4 twenty-two years ago, I riled up folks at the Libertarian National Convention. I talked about the EEOC's war on Hooters, House Speaker Newt Gingrich's pig paranoia, zoning idiocy, and other boondoggles. Commenting on a recent idiotic a
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Feature Article
Another 'state of democracy' report ignores real cause of plummeting trust 
   The 937th report on the crisis of democracy in the Trump era was released Tuesday. Half of Americans polled believe that the U.S. is in "real danger of becoming a nondemocratic, authoritarian country" and two-thirds believe democracy is "gettin
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Feature Article
   Donald Trump was hailed by the media last August when he announced he was sending more U.S. troops to fight in Afghanistan. A Washington Post editorial praised his "principled realism" and saluted "a rare but welcome story of self-correction"
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Feature Article
Hunger Hoaxes Hinder Food Stamp Reform 
   The Trump administration is pushing radical changes in the food stamp program as part of the farm bill. Reform efforts may be derailed by activists who vastly exaggerate hunger and portray food handouts as the epitome of social justice. But federal f
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Feature Article
Starvation Issues in Universities? The Real College Problem Is Obesity 
   A new report claims college students are 'food insecure' and starving. But better research shows they're overweight and lazy.
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Feature Article
Donald Trump's Authoritarian Opponents 
   President Trump has said and done many things to appall the friends of freedom. From Trump's pro-torture comments to his praise of police brutality to his cruise-missile barrage against Syria to his threat to annihilate North Korea, there are ample
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Feature Article
Red-Green Delusions on Soviet-Bloc History 
   The New York Times is running a series of "Red Century" articles extolling some of the virtues of communism on the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Last August, the Times showcased a Yale University lecturer rhapsodizing about the Sov
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Feature Article
EEOC Federal Guidance ruling gives Trump opportunity to fix Obama-era mistakes 
   One of the Obama administration's most aggressive social justice engineering schemes was busted earlier this month in federal court in Texas. In 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission effectively made it a federal crime for businesses to
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Feature Article
How the Berlin Wall Spurred My Biggest Blunder 
   As of this week, the Berlin Wall has been shattered for longer than it stood as a lethal divide in the center of Europe. I crossed checkpoints at the Berlin Wall a half dozen times in the 1980s when I was writing articles for the New York Times, Read
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Feature Article
   Should the feds be permitted to treat anyone who is not a choirboy like a criminal suspect? Unfortunately, local, state, and federal agencies have a long history of targeting, harassing, and entrapping fans of untraditional music. Because so many inn
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Feature Article
Will FISA secrecy doom democracy? 
   "Democracy Dies in the Darkness" is the proud motto of the Washington Post. But, considering the past week's frenzy, the new motto for much of the media and many Democrats is, "Disclosure is the Death of Democracy." Unfortunately, the uproa
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Feature Article
FBI-Mueller Oped Spurs Vitriol Volcano 
   I am almost ready to abandon all hope of writing articles that are universally loved in Washington. My oped in The Hill, "Golden Boy Robert Mueller's Forgotten Surveillance Crime Waves," has spurred more outrage than any piece in a long time.
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Feature Article
Why Ruby Ridge Still Matters 
   Bad precedents can be far more deadly than bad ideas. If the government is entitled to effectively label certain individuals or groups or notions as public enemies, it is naive to expect due process and fair play to follow. Ruby Ridge illustrates the
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Feature Article
New Book: FREEDOM FRAUDS: Hard Lessons in American Liberty 
   The Future of Freedom Foundation just released a new Amazon Kindle collection of my articles. Freedom Frauds: Hard Lessons in American Liberty is available for only $2.99 - less than the price of a good cigar (so I am told - I wouldn't know).
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Feature Article
FBI Article Enrages Hill Readers 
   My oped in yesterday's Hill, "Yes, the FBI is America's Secret Police," spurred accolades including kook, lunatic, Russian agent, sick, delusional, shill, complete idiot, propagandist, and "lonely in his bunker" with his Unabomber beard
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Feature Article
Yes, the FBI is America's Secret Police 
   Politifact delivered a "pants on fire" slam to Fox News on Friday because one of its commentators asserted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation "has become America's secret police." The FBI has legions of new champions nowadays among libe
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Feature Article
Thanksgiving travel: Trump's holiday gift is more invasive airport security 
   Federal groping-on-steroids is not making flying safer. TSA is a farce and a menace, and should be privatized.
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Feature Article
Do Trump's liberal critics seem increasingly unhinged? 
   Last week's anniversary of Trump's election sparked widespread teeth-gnashing by the nation's pundits. Trump is supposedly the gravest threat to American democracy since the secession of the Confederacy. His presidency, probably, continues to
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Feature Article
Political Accounting Makes Paternalism a Mirage 
   Why does the federal government squander hundreds of billions of tax dollars year after year? Seeking to understand politicians and bureaucrats on the basis of private-sector decision-making models are doomed to failure. Efforts to "fix" governme
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Feature Article
Trump election anniversary and progressives' delusional race to save democracy 
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Feature Article
Communist Burlesque: The Comecon Trade Trainwreck 
   International Trade Under the Soviets: A Comedy of Errors
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Feature Article
Government as Slave Owner (2000) 
   The Declaration of Independence was clear that Americans rights pre-existed the creation of government. But today's Statists see government as the fount of all rights. What the government gives, it has the right to revoke. And that can be a prob
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Feature Article
Dear Texas, how many times do we have to rebuild the same house? (You're next Florida) 
   The 'flood-build-repeat' model, so popular among re-election-seeking members of Congress, must come to an end.
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Feature Article
Ruby Ridge lessons for fighting right-wing extremism 
   When the government tries to squash anti-American ideas it doesn't like, the results are often destructive of American ideals.
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Feature Article
Trump's Boy Scout speech may have set kids on the right path 
   President Trump telling Boy Scouts that Washington is a "sewer" could actually be an antidote to much of what they are taught on following authority.
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Feature Article
Donald Trump's budget slashes government junk food pipeline to the poor 
   Food stamps foolishly fuel diabetes and obesity
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Feature Article
Hey, wait a minute, Trump's fear-mongering isn't new: James Bovard 
   Stoking public fear is a bipartisan White House tradition to boost presidential power.
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Feature Article
Post-Inaugural Rage & Loathing - My Hot Times in 2005 
   There have been some screaming matches on Washington-bound flights between people coming for Trump's inauguration versus the Women's March the following day. A dozen years ago, I saw - well, maybe sparked - similar fracases on a flight from
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Feature Article
Anti-Trump Women's March Photos 1/21/17 
   Here are pics I took of some of the edgier signs from today's Women's March, which had a much larger turnout than expected. Some of the protestors seemed a bit testy. Others are belatedly recognizing that the presidency has too much power.
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Feature Article
Trump must expose Obama-era power grabs: Column 
   Opening the books on the outgoing administration would be a booster shot for democracy.
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Feature Article
Surveillance Paranoia and my London Bust 
   There's a new video on the perils of foreign travel out from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (which oversees the CIA, NSA, etc.) "Know the Risk - Raise Your Shield" recommends getting a throwaway cell phone and a new/tempo
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Feature Article
On CSPAN Washington Journal Wednesday 9:15 AM - Call Ins Welcome 
   I'm scheduled to be on C-SPAN's Washington Journal on Wednesday, May 25, starting around 9:15 a.m. to roughly 10 a.m. (EDT). I will be discussing the Reason article on our farcical $4 trillion War on Terror.
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Feature Article
Obama's global anti-corruption cops should call Internal Affairs: Column 
   Our Democratic president continues to fund global corruption just like the Republican before him. It looks like Hillary Clinton will too.
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Feature Article
Oreo closure proof of losing Trump trade policy: Column 
   Presidential front-runner Donald Trump vows that he will "never eat another Oreo again" to protest the transfer of 600 cookie-making jobs from Chicago to Mexico. And Trump is 100% correct when he condemns the factory's exodus: "It's unfair to us.
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Feature Article
Rand Paul Demise: Botched Campaign or Apathy on Freedom? 
   How much of the demise of the Rand Paul's effort was due to poor campaign tactics vs. voters not giving a damn about freedom?
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Feature Article
Iowa GOP Barnbusting Debate! 
   OK, so sue me for using a misleading blog headline. What the hell - at least I don't need to watch any more debates this month. My live tweets as the show went on… and on….
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Feature Article
First Lady's box should be empty at State of the Union speech: James Bovard 
   Saving seats for the dead would require a lot more room for victims of Obama's policies.
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Feature Article
Thanks, Ernie! My New Year's Card for you 
   Thanks for posting my articles, etc. on Freedom's Phoenix...
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Feature Article
End federal agents' license to kill: Column 
   Local police officers should not be able to claim 'federal' immunity from prosecution.
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Feature Article
Freedom gets a foyer, liberty gets the shaft: Column 
   The Founding Fathers expected the entire Congress to be a "freedom foyer" that jealously guarded the people's rights and liberties against oppression by the executive branch -- the same way that Parliament had defended the English people again
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Feature Article
World Bank Ravages the Third World -- 30th Anniv. 
   This is the 30th anniversary of my first attack on the World Bank in the national media. Reposted below are some of my attacks on the Bank from the Wall Street Journal and New York Times.
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Feature Article
9/11 and the Triumph of Leviathan 
   The Patriot Act treats every citizen like a suspected terrorist and every federal agent like a proven angel.
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Feature Article
A Silenced Shakespeare in Washington  
   Shakespeare without puns is like French cooking without butter.
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The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train 
   Intellectuals have long been glorified as champions of truth and defenders of society's highest values. But in Washington, they serve as Leviathan's Praetorian Guard. Intellectuals are thriving in DC thanks in large part to the ruinous policy adv
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Wash. Times: FDA's War on Cheap Cigars 
   FDA cigar ban proposal a government regulation too far
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Will "Vagina Voters" Devour Democracy? 
   Has Hillary Finally Found Her Brand?
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Tax-time devil's dictionary of DC lingo 
   Having trouble with the 'Washingtonese' around April 15? Look no further for a translation.
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Feature Article
The mandatory voting panacea 
   President Obama recently suggested that mandatory voting could cure some of the ills of American democracy. Mr. Obama observed that compelling everyone to vote is one way to "encourage more participation" -- perhaps the same way that the specter
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Feature Article
Saving Obamacare with supreme hypocrisy 
   Justices fret over coercing states while endlessly menacing individuals
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Feature Article
Mike McNulty, Waco Hero, R.I.P. 
   One of the heroes of the Waco fights of the 1990s has passed away. Mike McNulty did more than any other single person to doggedly pursue the truth about Waco. And he produced or co-produced a number of superb films that vividly and compelling expla
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Feature Article
Nanny Doesn't Like Cigars 
   More than 50 years after President John F. Kennedy secretly purchased 1,200 Cuban cigars prior to imposing a trade embargo on Fidel Castro's regime, President Barack Obama said on Dec. 17 that he is reopening diplomatic relations with Cuba and hope
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Feature Article
AmeriCorps birthday bash baloney 
   A paltry record and statistical illusions cannot be ignored
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Feature Article
The 'food insecurity' hoax 
   Promoting hunger scam is how federal bean counters keep their jobs
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Feature Article
Holder's police-shooting hypocrisy 
   There are no Ferguson-style probes when black police shoot blacks
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Feature Article
Eric Holder's police shooting record? Dismal: Column 
   When the attorney general had the chance to be tough on police shootings, he did next to nothing.
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Feature Article
A cure for the common queue at the airport 
   Travelers pay up to avoid the line where embarrassing TSA groping occurs
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Feature Article
Drug lessons from a convict road gang: Column 
   Eric Holder's decision to be more lenient on minor drug crimes is a smart move.
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Feature Article
The Day I Asked a Bunch of Cops Who Surrounded Me, If They Knew of Any Good Used Bookstores  
   The Wall Street Journal had a piece on Friday about how Alice Cooper and his band rented a mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut in the early 1970s. Greenwich was known as one of the richest, most exclusive cities in the nation at that time. Cooper and h
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Feature Article
BOVARD: AmeriCorps’ national service charade 
   Paying youths to push big government makes a mockery of volunteerism
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Feature Article
BOVARD: The voting rights mirage  
   Satisfied to cast ballots, Americans stand idle while other freedoms are ravished
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Feature Article
BOVARD: Transportation security doesn’t include the freedom to molest 
   Passengers aren’t feeling it for TSA’s invasive scanners
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Feature Article
James Bovard: The Reality of Feel-Good Government  
   After nearly 20 years and billions of taxpayer dollars, AmeriCorps has little to show.
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Feature Article
Will Congressional Republicans Ever Be Worth A Damn For Freedom? 
   Is it time to give up hope for any rollback of Leviathan? Not according to James Antle, a contributing editor for The American Conservative and a very talented writer who has done fine work for the American Spectator, Wall Street Journal, and other p
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Feature Article
A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting  
   One survey found that 75% of IRS respondents felt entitled to deceive or lie to Congress.
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Feature Article
BOVARD: ‘We deliver’ NOT! 
   Why the Post Office can’t deliver the mail
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Feature Article
Your Tax Dollars at Work and Play 
   Congratulations â€" your tax payment is probably your biggest purchase of the year. The federal tax burden now amounts to more than $20,000 per household, according to Internal Revenue Service data. Your contribution to the Treasury coffers will...
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Feature Article
The great farm robbery 
   Discrimination fear cows Uncle Sam into endless payouts
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Harvesting Without Trying to Sow  
   In their March 27 response to my "Rotten Tomatoes for a Billion-Dollar Farm Payout," Philip Fraas and David Frantz, the lead counsel for the Pigford case, disparage the notion that many black claimants merely "attempted to farm."
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Feature Article
James Bovard: Rotten Tomatoes for a Billion-Dollar Farm Payout  
   Calling all women and Hispanics who once thought about applying for a loan.
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Feature Article
A bitter lesson from ‘the best and the brightest’ 
   Boston children were sacrificed on the altar of equality
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Feature Article
How the 'Dairy Cliff' Will Cream Consumers  
   Got milk? Enjoy the price you paid, because federal policy, reaching its sell-by date, will have dire results.
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