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James Babb 

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James Babb
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Feature Article
Jury Info Pirate Box uses wifi to inform the public about a juror's right to nullify bad laws. 
   The Jury Info Pirate Box is an inexpensive wifi file server, designed to inform the public about the rights of jurors to nullify bad laws. The purpose is to make this 100% factual information freely available where it is needed most.
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Magazine Article  •  Activism
Juror Rights Activists Seek to End the Culture of Incarceration
by James Babb
Every juror has the power to say "not guilty" if they disagree with the law. Every juror has the power to judge the facts of the case, the law itself, and whether or not the law is being misapplied. Also referred to as conscientious acquittal or juro
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Magazine Article  •  Activism
Activists Launch Nationwide Ad Campaign Promoting Jury Nullification
by James Babb
Juror rights activists have started a nationwide campaign to educate the public about our rights if selected for jury duty.
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Magazine Article  •  Stay or Go?
The anarchist's burden…
by James Babb
Should we stay and fight for freedom, even when those around us seem unaware and unwilling to address the root problems of society?
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Magazine Article  •  Giving Thanks
Thankful for Courage…
by James Babb
One of the best parts of working in the freedom movement is the chance to know and be inspired by some truly courageous people. Opposing the state can be dangerous. Standing tall while others bow can put a big target on your chest.
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Magazine Article  •  Inventions
Philly Freedom Report
by James Babb
It was an exciting and productive summer for Philadelphia freedom lovers. We have an amazing, diverse group of freedom activists. This is a brief summary of some of our activities.
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Magazine Article  •  Future Predictions
2012 Wishes for We Won’t Fly
by James Babb
The US Travel Association discovered in a survey that two-out-of-five travelers are saying they will skip the plane and invasive checkpoints in favor of more dignified methods of transportation.
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Magazine Article  •  Activism
Freedom activists bring food, warmth and knowledge to Occupy Philadelphia
by James Babb
When the Occupy movement began, many of us in the freedom community were curious. Was this really a movement of whiny kids demanding free tuition, or was it something more?
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Magazine Article  •  Economy - Economics USA
‘Idolatry of the Market’? by Thomas Woods (in the Occupy Philadelphia Inquirer)
by James Babb
The widespread misdiagnosis of the crisis now engulfing us has led to the frequent claim that lax regulation, or deregulation, must have caused it, and that better supervision of the system can prevent future crises. This is a delusion, albeit a comm
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Magazine Article  •  Activism
Help the dedicated teams that are serving the movement by Ralph A. McKittrick
by James Babb
There is an urgent need for donations of numerous items to help us continue as a thriving voluntary community.
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Magazine Article  •  Federal Reserve
A Socialist Perspective On the Federal Reserve Audit by Bernie Sanders
by James Babb
July 21, 2011 - The first top-to-bottom audit of the Federal Reserve uncovered eye-popping new details about how the U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses during the worst economic
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Magazine Article  •  Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
Who Speaks for the Movement?
by James Babb
This question comes up quite often. It is a frequent subject of debate, especially in a movement claiming to speak for "the 99%.” The easiest answer is "no one speaks for the movement."
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Magazine Article  •  Police State
Ignoring Opposition, City Passes Curfew, By Nicholas Shankin
by James Babb
Despite the double-dose of tremendous public outcry in devoted opposition to the unjust and unconstitutional Philadelphia curfew’s passing into permanent city law, City Council members voted on October 27, 2011 to enact the bill.
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Magazine Article  •  Philosophy: Fascism
Will We Step Aside for a Skating Rink?
by James Babb
Connected businesses will profit handsomely from this project, but unfortunately over 82% of the cost of this project will fall on taxpayers. Like many projects of this nature, the profits are privatized, while expenses and risks are socialized.
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Magazine Article  •  Police State
Peace Activist Shot by Oakland Police, Thousands Rally in Response
by James Babb
Police turned a peaceful demonstration into a war zone when they assaulted the unarmed demonstrators with flash bang bombs, tear gas and rubber bullets.
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Magazine Article  •  Government
Who are we? What do we want?
by James Babb
These are the questions we are asked over and over again and the answer is both complex and simple.
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Magazine Article  •  Activism
An open letter/warning from a former tea party movement adherent to the Occupy Wall Street movement.
by James Babb
The following is excerpted from on open letter posted on Reddit by vaslittlecrow.
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Magazine Article  •  Philosophy: Fascism
Ending Corporatism
by James Babb
Corporations are bad. Really bad. These faceless behemoths wield an inordinately large influence over society and our government.
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Magazine Article  •  Activism
“Occupy Now” Moves into Philadelphia
by James Babb
After nearly two weeks of planning and two public meetings, the grass roots members of Occupy Philadelphia claimed their first piece of Pennsylvania real estate.
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Magazine Article  •  Homeland Security
Is the TSA advancing the cause of liberty?
by James Babb
Libertarians have never had an easier job exposing the true nature of government. The TSA has unwittingly handed us a wonderful teaching opportunity. If the best way to make a vegetarian is a tour of the slaughter house, videos of the TSA are a great
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Magazine Article  •  Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
Will Democrats Buy the Occupation Movement? by John Murphy (from Occupy Philadelphia Inquirer)
by James Babb
It didn’t take rocket science to figure that the Democrats would ultimately buy this movement’s support for Obama. The progressive Caucus met with them and the Democratic Party radio talkshow hosts are salivating with excitement.


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