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An Open Letter to the Congressman. Try the truth for a change

Written by Subject: Conspiracies
by Bruce Barton to Jon Kyl, Congress Creature.
 Since you took a moment to write me a letter, I’d like to reply. I’m sure I speak for many so a public forum is as good a venue as any.

It appears the tidal wave of faxes, email and phone calls you reported in your most recent attempt to mollify your constituents, “…few issues have generated the volume of calls, letters, and faxes to Senate offices as the immigration bill,” has had little effect on your outlook or actions.

You still seem to be under the impression that it’s your job to represent the wishes of Washington to the American people. You see, it’s exactly the other way around – you represent the wishes of the people to Washington. Did you read your job description?

Now let's return to that small matter of voter feedback. I’m pleased you noticed. However, in your Immigration Reform Update (dated June 19), you led readers to believe that public inputs to the legislative system were responsible for creating a more perfected Guest Immigrant Amnesty Bill then being re-introduced. In fact here’s what you said: “… intense scrutiny that the legislation has received from the American people and the media, has helped to identify ways that the bill could be improved.” 


What nice spin, but not really the truth, is it? All that feedback was directed at one point: SEAL THE BORDER, THEN WE’LL TALK about the next steps.

But here’s how you spin what we’re trying to say, Mr. Kyl; “… And in response to concerns that our constituents have raised, Senators have already adopted a series of amendments – and additional amendments are on track to be approved when we return to the bill.” Again, that’s not quite what the American voters are saying, is it? 

Let me say this again very plainly, and for the tens of millions of fellow citizens who have contacted your office and others in Washington – SEAL THE BORDER FIRST, THEN WE’LL TALK ABOUT WHAT WE’LL DO WITH THE 20 MILLION ALREADY HERE.

You brought the legislation back from the grave where it belonged, and you voted for cloture so that debate would close and the bill would move forward. You didn’t hear us, or you simply ignored us.

But was that enough? No, you continue insulting us and trying to ram legislation through with provisions that are disdainful to us, sir. You still don’t get it, do you?

Your latest legislative attempt to pull the wool over our eyes isn’t going to cut it. Initially I was impressed with what looked like a genuine effort to respond to the voters desires. Unfortunately for you, some voters actually read what you were trying to slip by us.

American citizens do not want the RealID Act, Mr. Kyl. Your thinly disguised attempt to slip it into a warm and fuzzy-sounding border bill shows exactly what you truly think of the Arizona and American voting public. You wish us to respect you when you look upon us with the contempt you exhibit in this bill? When someone is insulted, they respond.  And, as more voters look carefully at your latest slight of hand, the level of dislike will grow. I was insulted by your prevarication during the election when you needed our votes and that feeling hasn’t abated with your recent actions.

Knowing now how much you disdain the American voter and that this is perhaps your last term in office, we will be watching your behavior very closely, sir.

Fool us once, Mr. Kyl, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us.

Let's re-read your closing paragraph – the only statements that are truly factual and that we both agree on.

“Arizona is suffering because of illegal immigration. Every day that we delay action, an estimated 5,000 new illegal immigrants cross over our borders. Every day the situation continues to get worse, and something has to be done about it. Doing nothing is not an option.” 

Tell us again, sir, how long have you been in the Senate and how long has nothing been done? What was your solution; to fund the hospitals that were going broke serving illegal aliens with more federal dollars.  Do you remember that legislation? We do.

What’s the bottom line? Mr. Bush’s employment term ends in 64 weeks and is non-renewable. Your employment term ends in 60 months. 

Realistically, with a new administration in Washington come '08 and continued escalation of aggressions in Iraq and Iran, do you realistically expect the flow of 5,000 “guest workers” per day to abate over the next 60 months once any immigration bill is passed that doesn’t stop the flow first?

How many will be here by your retirement in 2012, Mr. Kyl? 

Respectfully Submitted,

B. A. Barton

Arizona Voter