Article Image Tonopah Rob**Q**s Vegetable Farm - All Naturally Grown


CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN - Tonopah Rob's All Natural Vegetable Farm Sat January 31st, 2015

Written by Subject: Events: Arizona


We will be visiting Tonopah Rob's All Natural Vegetable Farm in Tonopah, AZ. We have visited his place in the past, but we will be going to see what he has done since the last visit - mainly his beginning to incorporate and incorporate an Aquaponics System in to his farm. The tour starts at 11 a.m., and we will try to get there around 10:45 a.m.

If you want to ride or caravan with us, we will be leaving at 9:15-9:30 a.m. Saturday morning, January 31st, 2015 from our house and traveling to 'the farm'. It's about 60 miles from our house to Tonopah Rob's farm, so plan on at least an hour travel time. Our address is 4886 W Port Au Prince Ln; Glendale, AZ 85306.

If you want to drive on your own, here is the address for Tonopah Rob's:

35838 W Buckeye Rd, Tonopah, AZ 85354

Tonopah Rob's vegetable stand will be open as well if you would like to get some really good naturally-grown food. 

Here is a little bit about Tonopah Rob's Farm -;

Hello and welcome to Tonopah Rob's Vegetable Farm website. Thirty-eight years ago, I picked up gardening as a hobby, a pastime that eventually led me to the challenge of farming the desert. I have lived in Tonopah, Arizona, the home of my all-natural fruit and vegetable farm for the past fourteen years.

My property is a small five-acre farm. Originally, the intent was to farm using purely organic methods. Unfortunately, though, as large corporations and the federal government became involved with organic certification, small farmers such as me were being priced out of getting the "certified organic" label. A small farm must now pay between $400 and $1,400 per crop for certification, annual fees, plus the cost of the inspection which includes travel expenses for the inspector.

Growing everything myself, the produce sold at my farm stand is chemical-free and better than organic. I use NO pesticides of any kind, NO insecticides, ZERO antibiotics, NO chemical fertilizers, and absolutely NO genetically modified organisms. Certain sprays and soaps are allowed in organic farming, but at Tonopah Rob's Vegetable Farm I practice an all-natural method using beneficial bug warfare, green compost, natural fertilizers, and companion planting as my strategy and line of defense.

Here is his GoFundMe campaign to Save Tonopah Rob's Farm

Please R.S.V.P here, or on the meetup site