Putting a Brave Face on Failure to Achieve Ceasefire in Syria

Written by Subject: Syria

Putting a Brave Face on Failure to Achieve Ceasefire in Syria

by Stephen Lendman

When efforts to resolve differences between opposing sides of a conflict fail, diplomats deceptively say talks made progress. Discussions were constructive - code language for accomplishing nothing.

You'd think by now Russia would acknowledge the futility of negotiating with a duplicitous US adversary, making conflict resolution unattainable, no matter the amount of diplomatic effort exerted. 

Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin was less than candid, claiming Lavrov/Kerry talks on the sidelines of the UN's 71st General Assembly made progress - ahead of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) meeting Thursday afternoon at a New York hotel.

It's largely stacked with representatives of pro-Western/anti-Syria nations, wanting Assad toppled, his government replaced, his nation raped and destroyed. It's no impartial body despite Russia, China, Iran and Lebanon among its 21 members.

Lavrov had numerous fruitless meetings with Kerry since succeeding Clinton as secretary of state in February 2013 - no progress toward ceasefire and conflict resolution accomplished at any of them.

Whatever US diplomats and politicians promise, betrayal virtually always follows, the other side always blamed for America's duplicity.

Chances for Lavrov achieving anything meaningful with Kerry for the remainder of his time as secretary of state is nil. He'll leave when a new administration takes over in January, Hillary Clinton likely heading it, a notorious war goddess sure to escalate conflict, not resolve it.

Russia should stop wasting time on diplomatic futility and start preparing for the deluge next year - its own security hugely imperiled.

Chances for Hillary waging nuclear war is terrifyingly possible, maybe likely, humanity's survival threatened if launched.

With neocon lunatics running the Washington asylum, headed by Hillary, all bets are off. Cataclysmic war could start any time for any contrived reason - a major false flag likely triggering it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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