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Trump Concessions to North Korea: Empty Promises to Be Broken

Written by Subject: Korea/North Korea

Trump Concessions to North Korea: Empty Promises to Be Broken

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

True enough, the Kim Jong-un/Trump summit was historic, a first-time ever face-to-face meeting between leaders of both countries.

A few hours of talks, what preceded them, and framework agreement at their conclusion changed nothing about US imperial aims.

US regimes virtually never negotiate in good faith, notably not with sovereign independent countries like North Korea. Rare exceptions prove the rule.

Washington demands everything in return for empty promises. Trump gave away nothing, no concessions other than rhetorical ones, nothing binding, nothing assuring durable peace on the peninsula, nothing suggesting a new US leaf in dealing with the DPRK fairly.

That's not how imperialism works, seeking dominance over other nations. Washington seeks global hegemony. 

The Trump regime wants Pyongyang subservience, denuclearization a step toward achieving it, leaving the country defenseless against a future US onslaught if it goes along and current talks turn out unsuccessfully.

A nuclear deterrent is its most effective defense against long-feared US aggression, a way to prevent it.

Throughout its history, North Korea never attacked another nation, threatening none now, no reason for anxiety in the South and Japan.

Not according to the NYT, saying the Kim/Trump summit left regional nations "with new anxieties…exacerbat(ing) their fears about the United States' long-term commitment to safeguarding the region."

The only threat is America's presence, its imperial rage for dominance, nothing else. The region would be much safer with all US forces withdrawn, not the other way around.

Suspending US military exercises, other than short-term, and withdrawing US forces from South Korea is highly unlikely, most likely Trump bluster alone, steps not to be taken.

The Times: "Since World War II, the United States has been a leader in East Asia, providing security assurances to allies in Japan and South Korea."

America is an occupying power, its regional presence largely about challenging China, not North Korea, despite no threat from either country.

Regional security would be much better served by ending Washington's military presence. It's provocative, destabilizing the region, not protecting it.

North Korea rightfully views US-led military exercises as rehearsals for attacking the country. China is justifiably outraged by Pentagon warships approaching or encroaching on its territorial waters - unacceptable hostile acts when occur.

The Times: "For China, the ultimate goal is to reduce American influence in the region as it seeks to consolidate and expand its own power." 

"The removal of American troops from South Korea, held out by Mr. Trump as a possibility, is a long-held goal of Beijing."

Washington has a disturbing history of intruding in parts of the world not its own - virtually everywhere. 

Beijing rightfully opposes provocative US actions. If its warships approached America's east or west coasts, or sailed into the Gulf of Mexico, if its troops were positioned near northern and/or southern US borders, Washington would likely consider the actions a casus belli. 

Yet its empire of bases threaten world peace and stability, surrounding Russia, China and other countries with hostile forces, actions it would never tolerate from other nations.

Washington's imperial agenda, its permanent war policy, and hegemonic ambitions are the only legitimate reasons for regional anxieties - not threats from China or North Korea. None exist.

Both countries seek cooperative relations with others, not dominance over them, not war on anyone.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."
