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Media Scoundrels Praise War Criminal McCain

Written by Subject: United States

Media Scoundrels Praise War Criminal McCain

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Countless millions of people worldwide gravely harmed or dead from imperial ruthlessness he supported aren't mourning his passing.

Nor is anyone supporting world peace equity and justice, notions McCain abhorred throughout his public life - a thuggish opponent of virtually everything just societies hold dear.

The NYT called him a "professed maverick," a "happy warrior…principle(ed)" with "flaws," a "rare bird," willing "to tackle thorny and even politically toxic issues," adding his "example…gave hope for the future."

Not a word about his serving as a spear carrier for imperial lawlessness, his participation in and support for high crimes of war and against humanity. 

Nothing about his disdain for rule of law principles and democratic values, silence about his endorsement of cutthroat killer terrorists, ravaging Syria and other countries.

The Times merely called his support for Bush/Cheney's 2003 Iraq war "misguided" - naked aggression the Times endorsed in its run-up and while ongoing.

The self-styled newspaper of record, other media scoundrels, and McCain never met a US war of aggression they didn't wholeheartedly support.

The neocon/CIA house organ Washington Post called McCain a former "presidential nominee driven by (a) code of honor" - polar opposite what he stood for.

WaPo opinion pieces said he "leaves the stage when" most needed.

"He showed us…who we can be when…at our best." He "spent his life serving the dignity of his fellow man."

WaPo editors called him "the irreplaceable American…In both war and peace, (he) served our country with truth, honor and integrity."

Senate colleagues called him "compassionate…truly great…almost always right…a force of nature…respected globally (on both sides of the aisle) - among other deceitful remarks polar opposite the true measure of the man.

Fellow unindicted war criminal GW Bush disgracefully called him "a man of deep conviction and a patriot of the highest order."

Bill Clinton called his years of disservice "heroic." Obama praised his "courage to put the greater good above our own."

Trump tweeted: "Our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathy to the McCain Family. Thank you Senator McCain for your service to the nation."

America notoriously honors its worst and punishes its best, including countless numbers of political prisoners languishing under harsh gulag conditions. 

Media scoundrels ignore what's most important to explain, reporting nothing about the high crimes of a gangster state and bipartisan political scoundrels supporting.

McCain was one of the worst, a despicable scoundrel warranting universal condemnation, not high praise. Mourn not his passing.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."