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"America’s Most Independent Talk Show Host," Charles Goyette Returns to the air Monday AM

Written by Subject: Media: Radio
Dear Listeners and Friends:

I’m happy to announce my return to the airwaves beginning Monday morning! The Charles Goyette talk radio show will be broadcast weekday mornings from 6 - 9 am on 50,000 watt Phoenix station KFNX News Talk Radio 1100.

The show is also streamed on the internet. It is easily available by clicking the “Listen Live” button at the station website:

The call-in numbers for the program are (602) 277-KFNX; that’s (602) 277-5369. Listeners in our growing audience across the country can be a part of the program toll-free by calling 1-866-536-1100.

I can also now tell you the good news that Ernie Hancock has signed up to continue as the "Imperial Producer" of The Charles Goyette Show!

As you know, talk radio usually generates a lot of heat, but very little light. We will continue to stand apart by shining what light we can into the dark corners and hidden motives in our political world, telling the story behind the story, and living up to the program’s billing as "America’s Most Independent Talk Show Host."

Special thanks to those of you who have written expressing how meaningful the show has been to you over the years and encouraging us to return to the airwaves! I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and humbled by your generous comments.

Thank you all! Please join me again in the mornings, 6 – 9 am, beginning Monday on KFNX News Talk Radio 1100. And thank you for helping me build the audience by forwarding this announcement to friends, family, and any email lists that might be interested.

— Charles Goyette