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2016-08-23 12:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
TIME, go make your own Internet, and leave the free one free. :)
2016-08-23 11:57
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Entered by: PureTrust
But, but, but. I own land across the river, and I need to have a method of getting that produce over here, and I can't build the bridge alone. :)
2016-08-21 13:34
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Entered by: brady byrum
That is a sorry PHOTOSHOPPED picture. The article's photo support tech should be fined $42,000 for such a poor photoshop job. It's not near as good as OSWALD in his backyard, holding a rifle.
2016-08-21 12:47
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Entered by: PureTrust
Government needed to do something to take the focus off the 9/11 inside job, and reinforce that it was Islamic Arabs doing.
2016-08-19 13:16
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Entered by: Anonymous
I submit that we haven't lost our citizenship at all, but quite the contrary. I believe these are the ends to which the means has seved. The ultimate goal of democratic citizenship en masse. A docile, apathetic & ignorent populace such as that referred to in Plato's Allagory of the Cave. Might you be referring, rather, to the civic pride and sense of duty of old? Inherent in the people of old? It is that which has given way to total citizenship.
2016-08-19 12:32
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Entered by: JNeilSchulman
Why is a Hollywood Reporter story from March 2015 being reported now as if it's news? Bryan Singer, while a talented director, is not a libertarian. And taking one of Heinlein's Hugo-award-winning novels and changing the title is disrespectful and a really bad sign that anything meaningful Heinlein wrote in the novel will be abandoned in favor of a mindless CGI driven mess.
2016-08-18 09:54
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Entered by: Rod Souza
Being ignorant and stupid is one thing. Being apathetic is entirely a whole different level with no hope.
2016-08-16 12:50
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
"As I said at the outset, the upper middle class is composed mainly of literate, competent people." Not really. It is also composed of the progeny and family members of literate, competent people, who themselves are neither. This is how you get the "olive spoon" folks. The names "Kardashian" and "Hilton" come to mind.
2016-08-14 22:15
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Entered by: PureTrust
When you promote the idea that Iran or Turkey or any other government can make any kind of agreement, you are promoting the idea that a fiction, or that pieces of paper, can think. It isn't governments that think. It is people that think, make decisions and make agreements. But as long as you can dupe people into thinking that it is governments that do these things, people lose freedom, and you are promoting slavery by things you have written in FP.
2016-08-14 21:49
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Entered by: Ton Tapp
Ron Reagan was exactly what the Zionist Jews wanted. He was pushed to the presidency and helped with financial incentives from two Russian Zionist Jews Lew Wasserman(interesting name?) and Jules Stern. They ran MCA records in Hollywood and came along at a time when Reagan was not doing well. Reagan took the money but the power remained w the Jews. He knew it and so did his wife. Both line many others catered to Wasserman and his bouts of anger. Most were afraid of him. Jewish mafia from Chicago to LA. Reagan was not competent and asleep at the wheel. This is the same agenda for Clinton.
2016-08-13 17:55
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Entered by: PureTrust
2016-08-12 23:18
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Entered by: GrandPoobah
Compare the historical trend of deaths by violence vs the size and reach of central governments. You want stateless? Here's stateless (7) Pinker admits that war was not universal amongst foraging hunter gatherer groups, but nevertheless frequent for many, as data suggest that 65 to 70% of hunter gatherers are at war at least every 2 years (Pinker 2011: 52). Above all, we should look at the per capita death rates for hunter gatherers, ... and other essentially stateless tribal groups, whether agricultural or pastoral populations. The downward trend is clear once the modern state appeared. Put it another way. The author, & his followers are some combination of ignorant (unaware of readily available information) stupid, (unwilling/unable to learn new info except from approved authorities) or too lazy to search a few key terms: anthropology violent death rate pre-historic
2016-08-11 13:37
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Entered by: Eyes Wide Open
Ernie - your attitude towards Phranq sucks. He does not need to explain all of Trumps policies to you. Your fingertips can find his policies very easily. I totally agree with Phranq. ' You expected to see Trumps policies already - you shouldn't expect that before the debates with Hillary. And you are NOT interviewing Phranq - you have him on as a co-host. If you want to know what I don't care about -it is trailers, your mushroom buildings, etc.
2016-08-11 12:07
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Entered by: foundZero
Well I hope he remembers to declare every penny to the IRS.
2016-08-09 13:21
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Entered by: Anonymous
One way for different sectors and Tech companies looking to hire highly skilled IT experts is to use a community based engine such as
2016-08-09 12:56
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Entered by: Big Iron
Joe Kennedy Sr. [a mobbed-up Illuminati who actively participated in causing the Stock Market crash of 1929] was promised that one of his sons would be made President. That son was supposed to be Joe, Jr. but he died in WW2 [under, to me, questionable circumstances] so that it fell to John/Jack, the next oldest. After John was elected he told the Pope/PTB he would NOT be his puppet and then preceded to be the best American President for the American "people" since 1933 and perhaps the unCivil War; John actually worked for the betterment of the American people and the restoration of the American Republic. Knowing that he would only have one term he knew that HE must complete that restoration before the end of his term and before the election. The PTB realized what his plans were and assassinated him before the election to prevent the finalization of his plans. So died a true President of the United States of America. Trump IS an "outsider" ... the only hope for the American people.
2016-08-09 12:45
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Entered by: Big Iron
Trump has already acknowledged that politicians will say anything to get elected ...and said that he will not be constrained to anything he says [which is exactly what anyone with a brain should have already discerned for themselves as I'm 74 and no establishment [insider] candidate I've come across has kept his promises]. ALL major elections have been fixed by the corrupt, international PTB/NWO globalists. Generally, the people have paid the price for this corruption. Only once (maybe twice ?Reagan?) in history have I found an anomaly ...that was the election of JFK. Although, Jack was an "insider" he refused to take their orders and worked for the betterment of the American people and the restoration of the Republic. Telling the Pope/PTB "where to go" proved to be unhealthy for him. Oswald WAS, indeed" a 'patsy"!
2016-08-08 19:37
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
Yep. But we love him anyway :) Stephen is not a libertarian, but his research is valuable. His solutions to the problems that he articulates isn't what we would recommend, but I encourage anyone with a sincere opinion to express it here. Peace, Ernie
2016-08-08 13:36
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Entered by: David Macko
Lendman is an excellent promoter of peace and opponent of the neocon war party. I do not regard him as reliable regarding economics. He seems to be promoting the leftist policy of opposition to tax reduction.
2016-08-05 13:52
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Puh-fucking-leeze. Voice of America??? The acknowledged propaganda arm of the federal government tells us, "Nothing to see here, move along!" (Who's in charge at VOA these days? Debbie Wasserman-Schultz?)
2016-08-05 07:29
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Entered by: JNeilSchulman
In my 1979 novel Alongside Night an organization called the Revolutionary Agorist Cadre, seeking a Second American Revolution, welcomes visitors to one of its undergrounds: "The room’s only decoration was a modified Gadsden flag draped on the wall adjoining the bar and medical areas (opposite the door), a golden field with 'LAISSEZ-FAIRE!' in an upper left corner, a coiled rattlesnake facing left with its tongue out, and in the lower right, 'DONT TREAD ON ME!'" The Gadsden flag without the addition of "LAISSEZ-FAIRE!" is carried over into the 2014 Alongside Night movie adaptation in which the Gadsden flag is used by the Revolutionary Agorist Cadre as well as the traditional anarchist black flag. As well, in the movie, an animated rattlesnake tattoo is shown moving across a woman's body while hissing, "Don't tread on me!" None of this has any racial component.
2016-08-04 23:06
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Entered by: Anonymous
Well another jew hating site I see. There is no information here to make ANY comment against the IDF. Muzlums love to murder their own children in sacrificial acts of terrorism. That is one fact that is not in question. Thank heaven the IDF was so restrained in their response. The girl refused to leave and so they made her leave. Real crime here wasn't it. GFYS
2016-08-04 22:58
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Entered by: Anonymous
I realize that in America we should be free from tyranny BUT, it is easy to move to Colorado, California, New Mexico where pot is legal or ignored.
2016-08-04 13:08
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Entered by: EstherCook
If you want to defeat this evil known as "social justice," you need to get the book "SJWs Always Lie," by Vox Day SJW = Social Justice Warrior. The book is about successful counter-attacks.
2016-08-02 20:14
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Entered by: PureTrust
I was thinking that a team of scientists on this one planet did these same calculations 12 billion years ago. Just think how far ahead of us they are now!
2016-08-02 20:10
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Entered by: PureTrust
You seem to be reasonably solid, right? But if you took any one of the atoms in your body, and increased its size so that the nucleus the size of a pin point, the electrons would be whizzing around it as many as several hundred feet away. Look at all that empty space in between. We are essentially made up of nothing. But we feel important, don't we?
2016-08-01 09:46
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Entered by: PureTrust
All loans of money are a new creation of money, not a loan. When you pay it back, you are giving the bank something that they never loaned you. It's a donation to the bank. Banks lose nothing, except that the people are finding this out. After all, banks still charge $15 monthly for a business account.
2016-08-01 09:26
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Entered by: PureTrust
Just a note. No wonder Hillary has been found not guilty by the FBI. She didn't really delete her emails if the NSA has them. She simply stored them on the NSA computers.
2016-07-31 06:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
A Bull market happens when people think and act like prices in the market are going up. A Bear market is the opposite - people think the prices will fall. The wise investor doesn't base his thinking on currency as money. The wise person looks at everything as money. Once a person gets it into his head to look at everything as money, he can look for a bull market all the time. - A gold and silver investor might watch the price of gold and silver. He might buy low and sell high. But if he watches the relationship between gold and silver, he increases his gold/silver property by exchanging gold for silver, or vice versa, no mater what the currency price of either are. Then he has more of one or the other to trade off for money when the time is right.
2016-07-30 11:00
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Entered by: Bernhard Engl
General Aviation for the masses ? Meaning thousands of such contraptions piloted by 20-hour wonder pilots buzzing between commercial jets in the crowded european airspace ? Let's be serious and look at the issues: A 20 hour wonder pilot not being able to work with air traffic controllers ? For about half of the year, in Western Europe, IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions) dominate, and icing must be anticipated. This requires an instrument rated pilot and aircraft certified to fly in known icing conditions. Just a few weeks ago, a German internet millionaire perished when a PA-32 iced up and crashed in Slovenia. Other than the 20h pilot, which lightweight wonder battery do they have to support the 250 mph for 2 hours ? If it existed, how much the cost ? How many cycles before replacement ? Show the math please, Lilium ! Maybe even paying the outrageous $11 per gallon Avgas 100LL as common in Europe would be cheaper than that battery ...