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2019-03-12 11:41
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Entered by: DelCartero is NOT a source Luke Rudkowski is a source, or alternatively is a source Luke Rudkowski - is a specific source
2019-03-11 20:36
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Entered by: PureTrust
If they repeal any of the Bill of rights, they will be shooting themselves in the foot. Why? Because the BoR doesn't give us our rights. Getting rid of any part of it will only wake us up to where our rights are found. --- They might call it a firearm. You call it your property. They can't force you to accept their terminology against your beliefs. But you have to say it, and stand your ground. Again, listen to to see what to do. Also, listen to for a good description by Gus of the difference between a man/woman and a person, as he explains it to Jessica Love.
2019-03-11 20:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
Again, who or what is subpoenaed? Is it you the man/woman? Or is it a person that belongs to a judge or other signer? If they don't say the "man," you can't adhere to their orders honestly. It ain't you. But if they say it right, and give you, the man, orders - haggle the pay. Thirteenth Amendment, no involuntary servitude. If you obey their order, you better get paid. Haggle.
2019-03-11 19:18
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Entered by: PureTrust
Government protects itself in two ways: 1) your ignorance of the "person"; 2) they never say the man/woman. The 4th Amendment has the word "persons" in it. How many do you have? Your banking agreement person; your drivers license person; your mortgage payment person; your credit card person; etc. All these persons of yours have your address, your phone, and most of them have your signature. The indictment person has your name, your address, your phone, and a judges signature. It isn't one of your persons. It's his person until you are tricked into accepting it as your person. Where's your signature on it? Since it's his person, he is trying himself using an alias. Only when the indictment says "man" or "woman" is it you. Learn and tell him that the person listed on the indictment is his alias. Then >> Listen to to see what to do next.
2019-03-06 17:34
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Entered by: PureTrust
Well, I guess that's one way to get those Muslim martyrs to realize that their god isn't helping them. Bomb the heck out of them.
2019-03-02 14:51
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Entered by: PureTrust
Just think of it! At least a quarter of all Baby Boomers just might live to age 200! --- Natural News - the Health Ranger - has articles mentioning senescent cells, one of the causes of rapid old age (old age that only lets us live to 100 years or so).
2019-02-26 18:05
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Entered by: vivian oscar
HOW I GOT CURED FROM HPV WARTS VIRUS Dr.Idahosa herbal medicine is a good remedy for HPV WARTS , I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HPV WARTS cure and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr.Idahosa cure them from HPV WARTS, I decided to contact, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr.Idahosa herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr.Idahosa, reach him on WHATSAPP HIM VIA +2348163202332.
2019-02-26 09:35
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Entered by: PureTrust
Bill Gates has a fundamental understanding of climate change, wrong. We need global warming and much more CO2. Why? CO2 promotes plant growth. Plant growth promotes animal growth. Both plants and animals feed more of the population. Global warming opens up more land in Canada, Siberia and Antarctica for habitation. GW also puts more moisture in the air so that deserts like the Sahara are watered, thereby opening them up to farm and habitation. More moisture in the air allows for more H2O2 to be created naturally, thereby eradicating more diseases, naturally. All of this means that the population will grow. As the population grows, so do the number of geniuses and great thinkers. We need these kinds of thinkers to design the methods we will need if we want to go to the stars.
2019-02-24 19:47
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Entered by: Ed Martin
The Constitution of the Universe Preamble The purpose of human life is to live happily. The function of government is to guarantee those conditions that allow individuals to fulfill their purpose. Those conditions can be guaranteed through a constitution that forbids the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual: * * * Article 1 No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual's self or property. Article 2 Force may be morally and legally used only in self-defense against those who violate Article 1. Article 3 No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.
2019-02-24 12:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
11. Jury nullification must be proclaimed widely to the general populace. -- 11A. In all actions of government court against individual men and women, the tribunal must consist of the government (accuser), the accused, and the 12-person jury from the person's locality, with the judge as a referee ONLY. 11B. In creation of laws which affect most or all Americans, except in emergencies, such laws must be open to jury nullification for the whole area (city/town, county or State) of the local jury therein.
2019-02-23 05:50
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Entered by: PureTrust
Note that, as far as being able to live and survive goes, if we didn't have plants and animals to eat, we could breed yeast into any form of nutrition necessary for life. Plants and animals for food are simply a gift of God so that we have variety, and enjoyment from that variety.
2019-02-23 05:46
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Entered by: PureTrust
More and more as people lose sight of God and Christianity.
2019-02-23 05:41
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Entered by: PureTrust
The problem of all evil comes from people not loving God above all things, and not loving their neighbors as themselves. People are so complex inside, that they can't hold more that a few things in their minds at one time. That is why the Ten Commandments are important. These Commandments are precise and concise enough that anybody can understand them. They are basic enough that they are the groundwork for all other basic laws. They are few enough that we can hold them in our minds constantly. Even if we don't love anyone else, obeying the Ten Commandments mechanically will give us good prosperity, if we do it as a country, from the top down.
2019-02-23 05:34
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Entered by: PureTrust
Why do we have low self-esteem? Because we realize that we are not perfect. Our imperfection is proven out when we fail at projects, when we hurt others by picking on their low self-esteem, and when we die. The only way to get out of the low self-esteem problem correctly, is to recognize that Jesus died on the cross and arose, so that in the resurrection you won't have any imperfection any longer. Imperfection is not important now. Self-inflicted low self-esteem is not important any longer. We have the right through Jesus to move HUMBLY into higher self-esteem.
2019-02-23 05:27
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Entered by: PureTrust
An important part here is the "rule of law," which Casey shows is the "law of the land" Did you see that word? The word is "LAW." Most of the time, in court, the law is never brought to view. Rather, it is a code that is brought, but maybe an ordinance. A code is a watering down or condensed form of the law. It can often not show all the detail that is inherent in the law. Bring the law - which is usually much more detailed than the code - not the code. - Code is administrative. Law is of the land, of the people.
2019-02-23 05:16
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Entered by: PureTrust
Isn't it the principles that people hang onto that determine when they are going to fight? Most people don't want to have to fight. They are forced into it by the intelligent wicked people. They are forced into self defense because the wicked fight them first. Or the wicked use clever words to break down the morality of the people. Most of the evil has to do with the love of money or property. It's called greed.
2019-02-22 08:05
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Entered by: PureTrust
Place your RE in trust. Make another trust to be the trustee of that trust. You be the trustee of the second trust, which is trustee of the first. When you find a buyer for your RE, let him place a Bitcoin wallet in trust. Let him become the trustee of a second trust that is trustee of the Bitcoin trust. Then make each other successor trustees of each other's trusts. After this, both of you resign from your trustee position in your original trust. Now, you are trustee of something else, but there was no sale of property. Think about it in detail before you do this.
2019-02-22 07:55
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Entered by: PureTrust
The Constitution has NOT failed. Rather, the people have failed to use it. - At the time the Constitution was written, there was a need to centralize power to fight King George. The individual strength for keep individual government officials at bay, was hidden in the constitution, although it is still there. - Private property and the right to contract are two of the major things that people can use - through the courts, if they do it the right way - to nullify almost anything that government wants to do with them. One example is Bitcoin as money. Government has been given the authority to coin money. Bitcoin as private money is proving that people don't need government money, and that government can't force people to use government money.
2019-02-22 07:46
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Entered by: PureTrust
Right after WW2, there was no country in the world that could have stood against the USA with its ability to make and deliver atomic bombs. Why didn't the USA conquer the world back then? Because the USA isn't of that mindset. but other countries are. - The treaties are weakening the ISA, but strengthening other countries. If you want other countries to become so strong that they use their strength to destroy the USA, keep the treaties. If you want the USA to remain strong enough to maintain the peace which other countries are trying to destroy, destroy the treaties.
2019-02-21 07:13
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Entered by: PureTrust
Good way for Stone to make some money. First, confirm with the judge that it is an order. Then, invoice the judge for obeying the order, and require the judge to put up her bond as collateral until the invoice is paid. - After all, you follow orders at work, and your boss pays you, right? After all, the 13th Amendment forbids slavery and involuntary servitude. Following court orders requires being paid, because they are orders. Even soldiers get paid. But you have to demand the pay.
2019-02-19 15:35
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Entered by: PureTrust
Science has lost. Take evolution for example. Yutube search on "Dawkins evolution" to see how one animal has turned into another over hundreds of thousands of years. But how do they know that both animals were not created separately, and have simply continued on over the ages like-begets-like? They don't know. They would have to take a time machine back, and analyze DNA from countless numbers of animals to find evolution to be factual. But if they did, and found that evolution existed, then they would have to prove that evolution was the prime mover in changes. So far, science doesn't have one provable example by DNA checks over thousands of years. But they got their toe in the door, because nobody can prove via DNA sampling that evolution doesn't exist, either. Science lost, and will remain in their losing position. All they have is a lot of talk.
2019-02-18 12:54
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Entered by: chris gill
Will the Liberal democraps or the Hollywood haters apologize????? I would not hold my breath. They have yet to apologize for any of the false hood they promoted even after proof they were wrong. Why would they start now? They will change the narrative and still blame Trump and his supporters somehow....
2019-02-18 09:25
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Entered by: PureTrust
Of course let riders have guns onboard. Uber rides will dry up, and so will gun control. Why? If you can carry onboard, you can essentially carry anywhere.
2019-02-18 09:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
Possibly the 5/6 most powerful words in court: "I didn't/did-not break any law." Yes you did. Here's the law: "Blah, blah, blah." I didn't break that law. You broke the law of protection for your own country and citizens when you made that law. Your law is not my law or the country's law; it doesn't exist.
2019-02-18 00:33
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Too many half truths. There is a reason that The Rutherford Institute and Paul Craig Roberts don't have a comment section.
2019-02-17 06:24
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Entered by: PureTrust
Would something like this help in this case? Even if it doesn't, there are thousands of other cases it will help in. David Myrland re the Death Penalty defense against Government Prosecution -
2019-02-16 14:45
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Entered by: Anonymous
Who is this idiot Lendman and why is he even allowed to post articles here? I can go to MSNBC or the rest of the MSM outlets to hear this BS. Tell you what Stephen, if you think letting anyone just waltz into this country how about when you go home tonight just leave your doors open so any stranger can walk into your house, and then let us know how that idea works for you personally.
2019-02-16 10:22
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Entered by: Publius40
How bad does it have to get for you lefties recognize there is an emergency? The Texas Dept of Public Safety reported on the crimes committed by illegals in Texas and it is frightful. "According to DHS status indicators, over 279,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and January 31, 2019, of which over 189,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS. Over the course of their entire Texas criminal careers, these 189,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 467,000 criminal offenses." This has thus far resulted in over 215,000 convictions including everything from murder, kidnapping, robbery, sexual assault, etc. And, that's just in Texas! How many Americans must suffer the misery, the loss of property, and yes - the loss of life at the hands of these illegal aliens before you agree it is an emergency?
2019-02-13 14:51
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Entered by: PureTrust
The question is, will it be from better technology in the future? Or from nobody wanting to go?
2019-02-12 21:49
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Entered by: Anonymous
I was there for weeks with other Militia Patriots from around Indianapolis. We were known as the Indiana Citizens Volunteer Militia. I was a Founding member of that organization, and the Brown County Commander. What was done to Pastor Greg and others was criminal. To doze the Church was an act of force by Bush and his kind. Ranger Rick North Idaho