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2018-12-19 17:03
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Entered by: DelCartero
The fake story is also from 2016.
2018-12-19 17:02
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Entered by: DelCartero
SuperStation95, the source for this story is a fake news site.
2018-12-19 12:45
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Entered by: PureTrust
Since there are ancient ruins like these found around the world, one can easily see that it will be difficult to find the true Atlantis. Why do I say the TRUE Atlantis? Because the true Atlantis was the ruler of the world of its day. Similar "cities" were built around the world, copying Atlantis, as the ruling cities in the various Atlantean provinces and nations mimicked their ruling capitol. All of these were ruled by Atlantis. Probably Atlantis is in Antarctica. Watch what happened during the flood of Noah's day -
2018-12-19 12:39
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Entered by: Chip Saunders
This is simply week 3 of training operation FORCIBLE ENTRY being conducted primarily by the Air Force's Air Mobility Command. The exercise is stress testing the joint capability of US forces to "break in" behind traditionally off-limits areas of large conteporary foes.
2018-12-19 07:30
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Entered by: Anonymous
I see as one of the best exchangers as an alternative to shapeshift. I do not register an account here and have no limits. Claims are processed within hours, no problems.
2018-12-14 19:45
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Can't wait for the sex tour industry to discontinue its trips to Thailand and start promoting Venezuela! It *would8 make a nice (one-way) trip for gullible Progressives, though!
2018-12-14 19:23
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
The difference is easy to explain. Fort Knox: not at all welcoming, but everybody would love to get in there. Pod people stumbling down the urban street chanting, "Join us! Join us""... extremely welcoming, yet decidedly unappealing.
2018-12-14 06:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
The more vaccines are used to impair immune systems, the less children will be able to think for themselves, and the more the government will be able to control them. No wonder government people want full coverage vaccination of kids.
2018-12-14 06:05
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Entered by: PureTrust
Join or start a Private Membership Association (PMA). All that the public is, is a PMA under the Government. Since the Government is hands-off to your PMA that is separate from Govrnment, set your PMA up in such a way that members meet on private property to privately make guns and trade gun parts. DuckDuckGo and Youtube search on "Private Membership Association."
2018-12-13 18:07
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Entered by: Anonymous
The 'Nazis' banned Jewish Communists from owning firearms. International Jewry declared War on Germany in 1933 which prompted the gun banning.
2018-12-11 12:58
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
This is the wrong link. It goes to a music video.
2018-12-10 08:01
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Entered by: PureTrust
People who support Bresit and other things like Brexit, need to storm into France in droves to help the people. If they don't, freedom in the EU will fail.
2018-12-10 07:57
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Entered by: PureTrust
Snowball fights, like marijuana smoking, have always been lawful on private property, as long as the results don't go public. The reason government wins in court battles, is because most private citizens don't know how to fight legally, and most attorneys can't be on their side. Attorneys work for the courts first, for the State second, for themselves third, then maybe for their client, who is legally a ward of the court. See what Corpus Juris Secundum has to say at vol. 7, sections 2 and 4:
2018-12-10 07:36
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Entered by: PureTrust
There isn't any evolution. There is only devolution, faster in some than in others. Everything that evolutionists say proves evolution, fits adaptation, like-begets-like, and simple change better. The only way to prove that evolution was the way it happened is, get DNA samples from animals that lived over the thousands of years of past history, and find the chain of changes that show beneficial mutations. Remember to prove that any and all mutations are really beneficial. Show the DNA proof in enough thousands of different plants and animals to suggest that evolution really was the way it happened. - Nobody will be able to do this until they go into the past with a time machine to get billions of samples.
2018-12-10 07:15
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Entered by: PureTrust
The only reason you have freedom to write articles here, is because of the freedom of the U.S. to make wars. Your possibly unwillingness to partake of U.S. freedom doesn't stop you from partaking of it. - Most of what the U.S. fights against is Islam or Islam-like. This is important because our basic freedom is freedom of religion. But at its core, Islam is a religion against all religions and governments that don't become Islam - This means that if you allow Islam into the U.S. under freedom of religion, Islam will destroy the U.S. - and then the world - under freedom of religion. You are either a bit ignorant of this, or you are an ignorant Muslim, ignorant about your own religion.
2018-12-09 22:14
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Entered by: neillien
Awesome, now half the world can access info on self-sustainability and decentralizing their lives. Considering everything they could ever want to know has been PDF'ed. lol
2018-12-08 12:41
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
With a Space Based internet infrastructure, the entire planet will have access to... almost everything (history, information, education, propaganda, truth, friends & family, commerce...). Then what? Going to be very interesting.
2018-12-05 05:15
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Entered by: Anonymously Yours
People like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are heroes in the eyes of the majority, yet remain enemies of the State.
2018-12-05 02:21
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Entered by: GrandPoobah
Math & science teacher. More evidence of the total ineptitudiness of the education profession. So tell me Frosty. Given the increasing ratio of elderly to actually working people and our current birth rate of 1.8 children per woman, about 15 % below the rate necessary to keep the population flat, (2.1 children per woman) how exactly to you figure that we will remain productive let alone maintain our population and support the elderly? Let me guess. Being the wonderful person that you are, you'll make it your personal duty to bicycle around the country fucking all available women. OR had you other ideas to maintain our population without immigration and to have people in our population of working age supporting the elderly? If you did, I missed them. Or is it your idea to just kill off the elderly & those unable to work. Or, more likely; did to many hours bicycling in the sun rot whatever was left of your brain after graduating with a degree in education?
2018-12-05 02:21
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Entered by: GrandPoobah
Math & science teacher. More evidence of the total ineptitudiness of the education profession. So tell me Frosty. Given the increasing ratio of elderly to actually working people and our current birth rate of 1.8 children per woman, about 15 % below the rate necessary to keep the population flat, (2.1 children per woman) how exactly to you figure that we will remain productive let alone maintain our population and support the elderly? Let me guess. Being the wonderful person that you are, you'll make it your personal duty to bicycle around the country fucking all available women. OR had you other ideas to maintain our population without immigration and to have people in our population of working age supporting the elderly? If you did, I missed them. Or is it your idea to just kill off the elderly & those unable to work. Or, more likely; did to many hours bicycling in the sun rot whatever was left of your brain after graduating with a degree in education?
2018-12-04 16:06
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Entered by: GrandPoobah So once again, the people who run this site demonstrate to the world their total scientific ignorance, no scratch that, scientific illiteracy.
2018-12-04 13:16
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Entered by: PureTrust
The 2nd Amendment is, as are the other Amendments, dangerous. Why? Because private property exists without the 2nd Amendment. All the Amendments are dangerous because they entice people to depend on legal writings. The people should be depending on common law - the local jury in Federal District Court (not U.S. District Court) - see Corpus Juris Secundum, vol. 25, section 334. The Amendments are like civil law. The jury is like common law. Common law properly used ALWAYS overcomes civil law in America - Russian law is civil law. If there were no Amendments, the people would have freedom, like no taxes, like many private post offices, like freedom to smoke weed, like traffic laws that were warnings, and most of all, REAL damages for intentional injury done.
2018-12-04 13:08
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Entered by: PureTrust
Remember Piratebox? Freedom's Phoenix reported on it here and here Piratebox is simply communication with or without the Internet, depending on what you want. Bitcoin can operate, or can be made to operate, over this kind of communication.
2018-12-02 14:31
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Entered by: JNeilSchulman
"Legal Tender Deniers" -- A Sequence from Alongside Night the Movie via @YouTube Full movie is on Amazon Prime
2018-11-28 10:05
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Entered by: PureTrust
Why talk back to government? What is government? It's people, observing certain government rules set aside for those who are of that particular (private) class of government. Don't talk back. Rather, use the same documents that give government people their "rights" to BE government yourself. The IN-groups, inside of government, don't want you to know that YOU CAN BE GOVERNMENT, TOO. How can you be government? Corpus Juris Secundum, vol 25 section 334: in a Federal District Court, the magistrate (judge) is separate from the tribunal (accuser, accused, jury). You can use any state or federal courthouse to take your suit to Federal District Court. You have always had the right to be government.
2018-11-27 15:39
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Entered by: PureTrust
"Where On Earth Are NASA's Rovers Sending Pictures From? Devon Island, Canada. - There is an increasing number of people who believe that NASA's rovers never left the Earth in the first place, and the pictures they are allegedly sending back from Mars are taken in remote areas of our planet. - But if NASA's rovers are not on Mars, then where exactly are they?" -
2018-11-27 15:23
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Entered by: PureTrust
Consider this one thing again. Regarding lending institution loans, does the promissory note you sign have any value without your signature? No! The lender won't give you any fiat if you don't sign. When you sign, then the note has value. How can you tell? The lender will give you some fiat in return for your note with your signature on it. The loan exists in the fact that you gave the lender your valuable note that has your signature on it. The lender almost immediately repays the loan you loaned him, with fiat or bank check. Search on "Tom Schauf."
2018-11-27 10:05
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Entered by: Anonymous
Continued... The fact that the US is now a corporation can be seen on Dunn & Bradstreet, and the fact that the gov't is a corporation exiles men & women in exchange for legal fictions known as "persons." The next book you may want to read is by Alex Christopher; Pandora's Box, and it can be found online in pdf. Another book that takes you to the bottom of the rabbit hole is Vatican Assassins pdf
2018-11-27 10:03
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Entered by: Anonymous
Continued... Words have meaning. Congress adjourned sine die - without fixed day to reconvene because it was fini. Now, the #DeepState and its stooges say that congress adjourns sine die at the end of every session. Fall for their lies if it protects your #CognitiveDissonance. Over 16,000 books have been written to glorify the bastard son of the Rothschild bloodline. Thomas J. DiLorenzo cites their scholarship, but draws common sense conclusions in his book, The Real Lincoln. Its a great read. There are only 13 amendments to the original 1787 Constitution, with the original 13th being the Titles of Nobility amendment. The 1871 corporate charter titled, The Constitution OF the United States (Inc) of America mimics the 1787 Constitution FOR the united States, and paves the way for the unlawful ratification of the 14th, 16th & 17th amendments, as corporations can ignore their own rules.
2018-11-27 10:01
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Entered by: Anonymous
The sine die adjournment of congress opened the way for the world's first fascist dictator, Abraham Lincoln, to wage war against the South for its enforcement of the 10th amendment by secession. Lincoln, no longer constrained by the 1787 Constitution, exercised his dictatorial powers liberally. Eventually, the de facto government pretending to still have authority, passed the Act of 1871, which over time gradually displaced the perceived constitutional government we believe we still live under today. Naturally, the #DeepState, in order to continue their fraud, must change the meaning of words, which the authors of some comments on this post have fallen for. How could congress reconvene a quorum with the South having seceded, and dominated by unlawful acts of war? The sine die adjournment of congress opened the way for the world's first fascist dictator, Abraham Lincoln, to wage war against the South for its enforcement of the 10th amendment by secession.