Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Obama Administration

Letter to Obama

  Dear Mr. Obama,   It is so great how you try to deceive the American people and the rest of the world into believing that what you were doing at the G20 summit is Innocent and great, when in reality your agenda is to move this country into a NWO (new world order), However you have not fooled us. We the people stand for liberty and the freedoms as they were created in the greatest document in the world that you insist on destroying the Constitution of the united states.  You know what you are doing as do the American people, we are the producers and creators in this great nation and your agenda is to Control and Destroy through fear and threats.   During the Democratic Caucus you served up threats that if those who had reservations about the stimulus bill did not sign on and approve this atrocity that there would be martial law.  I tell you now Mr. Obama at that moment the great creators of the Constitution were turning in their graves.  Without us you and your kind would not exist or survive, but this is not your intention.  To take away mans freedom and the power and will of his mind and place it under control of common Gov. is to destroy mankind as we know it.  Instead of allowing the Economy to prosper you Cripple and prevent any chance that it has to grow and thrive.  I will quote a great writer Ayn Rand in her novel Atlas Shrugged " You propose to establish a social order based on the following tenets: That your incompetent to run your own life, but competent to run the lives of others - that you\'re unfit to exist in freedom, but fit to become an omnipotent ruler - that you\'re unable to earn your living by the use of your own intelligence, but able to judge politicians and to vote them into jobs of total power over arts you have never seen, over sciences you have never studied, over achievements of which you have no knowledge, over gigantic industries where you, by your own definition of your capacity would be unable successfully to fill the job of an assistant greaser." "In order to deprive us of honor, that you may then deprive us of our wealth, you have always regarded us as slaves who deserve no moral recognition. You praise any venture that claims to be non-profit and damn the men who mad the profits that make venture possible. You regard as "in the public interest" any project serving those who do not pay: it is not in the public interest to provide any services for those who do the paying. "Public benefit"  is anything given as alms; to engage in trade is to injure the public. \'Public welfare\' is the welfare of those who do not earn it. those who do are entitled to no welfare. The public to you is whoever has failed to achieve any virtue or value;. What blank-out permitted you to hope that you could get away with this muck of contradictions and to plan it as an ideal society, when the "NO" of your victim was sufficient to demolish the whole of your structure" Mr. Obama you need to take a step back and think about what you are doing to this great nation, you did not create it, therefor you do not have the right to destroy it.  
Rebecca Gritten

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Comment by Anonymous
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He willl have that right until a majority of voters say otherwise...