Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Bush Administration

RE: Cheney authorized assassination of Benazir Bhutto story

You probably should take off the link to this story because Seymour Hersh says he was misquoted and didn\'t actually say this. (I can\'t find the video interview that\'s talked about anywhere either) Also, I like the investigative work that Hersh does but he does tend to say things informally that he doesn\'t back up with any proof, unlike when he actually writes articles. I like my allegations with at least some level of evidence, so I would like to see more careful vetting of content that shows up here rather that being TOO breathless with accusations (even though I don\'t like Cheney one bit and am sure he\'s done many many disgusting things). You may want to read this article I just happened to see yesterday - it\'s an interesting retrospective on Hersh\'s career from a pretty neutral point of view. Love what you guys are doing in general, btw!

Editors Reply

I had suspicions about this story since it was sooooo sensational...but since it was Seymore Hersh being sourced I went with it.  Since it was an TV  interview, it is recorded if it happened.  If that interview does not surface, then you are correct, it is embellishment, exaggeration or more likely downright lies on the part of a (Pakistani?) reporter.  As to pull it -- it's pulled.  Thank you.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by freedomfighterradio
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Here is a link to the video also:

Comment by Phyrexius
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