Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Justice and Judges

They Won't Let You Do That

When speaking to the wife of an attorney recently about my project for judicial improvements, she stated, “they won’t let you do that”.  The first thing that came to mind, was who the hell are “they” that she so quickly made reference to.  The fact is that I know who they are, so I’m really just making a point. The people who really understand our socio-economic system, know it broken, but do not know how to repair it.  I have an idea that I would like to put out and get some feedback on, that I believe is the single most important alteration that we need to make to our system and that it might and I surely say might work in making a major step towards restoring the American dream.

This couple is in their seventies and obviously know their way around the block. He was a Fortune 500 estate and trust attorney until retirement with his specialty being tax law, so he has experienced a great deal in his many years of practice and I’m sure she has heard many of the better war stories. What was interesting is that I was telling her about my system when he was taking a shower, so her comment was 100% hers.  Like so many people she knows that system is broker but has no solution. 

There basically needs to be three things accomplished:

1.      Create a web based computer program that accomplishes those ideas set for and explained at: - Repairing the Scales of Justice

2.      Get 250 to 1000 people who are Constitutionally knowledgeable with verifiable credentials and references that would participate in the testing of the system and promoting it conclusions and benefits. Some will obviously need or want to remain anonymous but I’m very confident that there are enough patriotic American who would step forward for this important task.  

3.      Raise the necessary money to accomplish the above. I’m willing to participate or assist in any manner or relinquish all rights and duties to those who will and can accomplish it. 

As you will clearly see, the Constitution of the United States has been usurped and it has been done more than once and on a variety of issues. It is therefore a dead instrument and you are no longer living under a constitutional democratic republic that protects individual rights. Therefore any Official of the Unites States or any of its various jurisdictions that have signed or taken the Constitution Oath to uphold its intent has and are continuing to commit a criminal act if they are not attempting to change and/or not supporting the reestablishment of those rights and/or Articles that have been usurped. It would be like a police officer seeing a criminal act in process and not doing anything about it or knowing that an individual has perpetrated a crime, and doing nothing to bring that person to justice.  The Constitution has been violated and needs to be restored or a new one put in place that will actually be followed.  We must have a rule of law and it obviously cannot be a system of law by those who rule.

5 U.S.C. 3331:


“An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services shall take the following oath: ‘I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.’” --- The President as Commander and Chief,  takes a slightly different Oath.

A provision of Executive Order 10450 specifies it is a violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311  for any person taking the oath of office to advocate “the alteration ... of the form of the government of the United States by unconstitutional means.” Our form of government is defined by the Constitution of the United States. It can only be “altered” by constitutional amendment. Thus, according to Executive Order 10450 (and therefore 5 U.S. 7311) any act taken by government officials who have taken the oath of office prescribed by 5 U.S.C. 3331which alters the form of government other than by amendment, is a criminal violation of the 5 U.S.C. 7311.

There sadly have been multiple constitutional violations over our history and they are getting more numerous as our society digresses, but just one usurpation is all that is necessary to justify the need to  contention.  I choose what are commonly referred to as the money clauses, because of their ease of understanding to prove that most of our politicians and Judges are committing a crime by not attempting to uphold the intent of the Constitution.

Article 1, Section 8, clause 5. -  Congress shall have the power…To coin money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;  

Article 1, Section 10, clause 4.  -  No State shall…make any Thing but gold or silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;

From these two clauses, any above average Middle School student with the ability to have  a few questions answered, would be able to conclude that we are supposed to be using gold and silver coin as money yet most officials are not calling for the reinstatement of these two constitutional mandates.  Look at that, foreign coins like Canadian Maple Leafs and Mexican Pesos, as long as they have proper weights and measures, which the government is supposed to insure, could be used as long as they are gold and silver coins. Go figure, a true common currency in North America and around the world and George Washington’s of Ben Franklin‘s face doesn’t need to be on them. 

You will be able to read about another usurpation of constitutional rights in the website noted above.

Thank You,

H. Skip Robinson


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

 Yes! The judicial/law enforcement system is not only broken and rife with corruption, I believe it is beyond repair. I have had opportunity to speak to various judges on this issue, even in open meetings like Eagles Forum.

 One retired judge, who had sat on the New Mexico Judicial Ethics Commission, said there was far more corruption among judges than the public is aware of. And I am aware of plenty, as is the Fully Informed Jury Association! This highly placed judge was asked if we patriot types might use the grand jury system to bring federal and state officials to justice for such as violating their oath of office. He said that due to politics, there was no way our efforts to bring suit would succeed due to rampant corruption.

 Another local judge was asked the same question of suing officials for violating their oaths, and he also said the system would never allow it. The fraternity of judges and attorneys is pretty solid against "We the People"...and remember it is always the state agent, the prosecuting attorney, who claims to represent "the People" in courts of law. Of course, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. is famous for remarking "this is a court of law, not a court of justice." The law is against us people. We will never get justice through the totally corrupt legal system. Do I hear a revolution brewing?

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