Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Constitution

Reply: "Obama's Imperial Gay Parade Usurps God & SCOTUS"

In his recent gay-bashing article, David A. McElroy is simply promoting more of the establishment's most powerful tool: the "us verses them" mentality. This time, the line of division falls between "gay verses straight." How unoriginal, tired, and played out. McElroy also seems to be confused when it comes to the difference between scriptural law and the intrinsic rights of human beings to be able to interact in a voluntary manner with their fellow human beings. The true debate shouldn't be about whether gays should be allowed to marry, but rather what the proper role of government is in civil contracts and whether government should even be in the marriage business at all. Unfortunately, logical thinking is often dismissed by protectionists such as McElroy, who prefer the force of government to decide who gets married and who doesn't. Just don't come crying to me when the government meddling starts happening in your bed. First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. ---Pastor Martin Niemöller David Alpha

9 Comments in Response to

Comment by scott vincent
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Comment by G Cone
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I also take issue with the idea that the Supreme Court has any sort of moral authority over me. Betty Bowers does explain biblical marriage on youtube: 

Comment by David Alpha
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David A McElroy (Can I call you DAM?)

I just wanted to let you know I visited your website and throughly enjoyed it. I encourage all Freedom's Phoenix readers to check it out at

David Alpha

Comment by McElchap
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Powell;  It is true government has since ancient times used the laws of man to ordain standards of morality and marriage to pursue its own ends, even when such standards conflict with those ordained by nature and nature's God. This is the battle we face seeking libertarian lifestyles: The conflict between licentious irresponsible freedom to, as Aleister Crowley said, "Do as thou wilt," and the libertarian's responsible freedom in which no force nor fraud is initiated, offense is prohibited, defense a duty.  Jesus is the morally best libertarian, and homosexuality is a fraudulent practice contrary to nature and nature's God. 

I am sorry you can see Jesus is a libertarian, as Ernest Hancock said.

David A. McElroy -


Comment by McElchap
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Mr. Gone;   You have wrongly insinuated that I promote hatred for gays, and hateful actions.  In Christ's love, I must say I hate the sin and pray redemption for the sinner. Thank you, C. Gone, for making it clear you have no moral standards beyond Aleister Crowley's "Do as thou wilt", the licentious lawless freedom unbounded by any responsible restraint other than a victim's ability to resist you. I am libertarian, but Christian libertarian. Just because you refuse to recognize God existing does not mean God does not exist. I might note that Prof. Paul Davies of ASU won the Templeton Prize back in the 1990's for his mathematical proof for God's existence. But I suppose you feel your intellect is much more refined than his. My views arise not from unwarranted bias, but a lifetime of observation, study, and contemplation. Jesus is the libertarian! Jesus extends mercy and redemption to sinners like gays, but does not condone sin.

Comment by G Cone
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If someone's argument that I should hate gays is that god said gays are bad, I guess first they would have to give me some kind of evidence that there is a god, because as far as I can tell it only exists on some people's nutty little skulls. But IF there were god such as described by the christians and their bible, I would oppose it. I don't really understand how someone can be a libertarian and a christian. God is not about freedom, it is about all of his minions being submissive to a all powerful authority figure, an imaginary dictator, who apparently has no self esteem (in spite of supposedly creating the universe) and needs all of these followers to constantly praise him, bow to him, and worship him. Sounds evil to me.

Comment by Powell Gammill
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"I said morality and marriage are ordained by God"

Where have you been, Mr. McElroy?  Morality and marriage are ordained by the state.  God is allowed so long as it is useful to the state.  The state is more than willing to send you to God if you disagree.

As for your original opinion piece I am always far more concerned about people who are constantly obsessed  with homosexuals, and want me to worry about homosexuals than I am about homosexuals.

Comment by David Alpha
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Quote: "The only reason homosexuals want to claim marriage is to make it worthless for straight people, and queer organizations have said as much." Wikipedia says it best: [Citation Needed]. Back up your statement or retract it, Dave. "I presume "David Alpha" is a pseudonym, but I am bold enough to put my name with my opinions. Why not you? Your shrill voice does not scare me!" Shrill voice, no. Reason and logic not bound by narrow-scope theology? Yes. Thanks for playing.

Comment by McElchap
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David Alpha!

 In your angry queer eye for the straight guy, me, David A. McElroy, you missed some points taking the wind of your sails. If you had read carefully, you would have seen I said morality and marriage are ordained by God,  and are properly a matter for church rather than state. However, I note that God's Ten Commandments are known to be the legal foundation for Western Civilization, and much Eastern Civilization as well, and governments have repeatedly made these the basis of law. If you recall, Ernest Hancock declared that "Jesus Is A Libertarian", and what part of God's Ten Commandments do you suppose Jesus would have you disobey? I am a Christian libertarian. I don't even support the US Constitution, but it is the law of the land Obama took an oath to uphold, and repeatedly ignores in favor of his socialist agenda, which you apparently have no difficulty with. Marriage, by nature and nature's God, is between a man and woman.  The only reason homosexuals want to claim marriage is to make it worthless for straight people, and queer organizations have said as much. I presume "David Alpha" is a pseudonym, but I am bold enough to put my name with my opinions. Why not you?  Your shrill voice does not scare me!
