Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • WAR: About that War

War, Death and Taxes

Many believe that it is mankind, by nature, that makes war inevitable. However, contrary to popular opinions, it is taxation and money that causes the majority of all conflicts, with the emphasis on taxation. Death and taxation, that government has brained washed you into believing is inevitable, is what allows those in political power the ability to wage war against other governments and even more often times, against their own people. I’ll show you how the process works in the U.S. as it does in most countries throughout the world, which promotes wars, both foreign and civil.  It has been this way throughout history and there has always been those throughout history, kings, dictators and even democratically elected officials that used these very same methods to not only wage war but to use taxation, the police, the military and its industrial complex to maintain their power and influence.  


Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Retired Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC, gave a speech in 1933 and the ensuing articles printed of his speech. Here are the first few paragraphs of that speech.

WAR Is A Racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

In the World War I, a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.”  Full Speech:

The very entity (government) whose objective it is to protect the majority, often times becomes the aggressor/oppressor and taxation is the economic force that provided the foundation for the system that is involved in every military conflict known to man. There are virtually no wars, that I’m aware of, where one side of the war was not a government. The other side often freedom fighters, trying to stop the tyranny of the oppressors, they may be other governments trying to stop the aggression of another government or they may be in collusion with the military industrial complex to profit from the war, that, very interestingly, is the most often reality. What if I told you that both sides of the war efforts in both WWI and WWII where financed by many of the same banking interests. International bankers headquartered out of the City of London such as the Warburgs and Rothchilds were financing both the Germans and the Anglo-American Axis military industrial complexes at the same time.    


Not only is military conflict created by taxation, almost all political conflict is caused by taxation and the redistribution of wealth, it creates as individuals and groups fight over the control of the public treasury. Without the guaranty of loan repayments through taxation, bankers would not risk the potential monetary losses. The politicians of both sides of the conflict guaranty the repayment of the loans and even the loser’s bankers are repaid, as the winner needs to bankers to rebuild the war torn aftermath which they make profits on as well. A win, win for everyone in banking and government, except for the middle and lower class solders and citizens, who are killed and maimed in the confrontations.    


Ask a school teacher to lower the education budget or a military contractor to vote for someone who wants to lower defense spending and see what they say.  Taxation creates an adversarial system between those that pay the tax and those that receive the benefits for the tax. The number of homeless Veterans is prime example of how the system better benefits certain groups such as the bureaucrats and government contractors over others, therefore is surely not any equal justice for all system and therefore is unfair. Despite the efforts of mankind to redistribute the wealth through taxation, from the tax system itself to the determination as who receives the benefits of taxation, no one has been able to create a just and more importantly, a fair system. Cronyism, corruption, ostracism, tyranny,               


What appears to be a benefit during one portion of a nation’s economic cycle,  taxation than becomes the oppressive/aggressive tool used during the last phases of the economic cycle, the last cycle of the bell curve, the rise and fall of a nation, that all nations throughout history experience. Taxation, historically has not worked well for the majority and in fact is used by the wealthy as a tool to primarily control the means of production. The majority is placed into a position of economic servitude, by the continuous extraction of money from their businesses and incomes thwarting their ability to compete against larger enterprises. Companies with more money will almost always win out over smaller enterprises, especially when backed by the vary bankers that are participating in the redistribution of wealth schemes.      

Is there a potential of having a society, without the use of the force of taxation, as taxation has always been the downfall for every society. People think that the system will self adjust even though people are almost always doing and voting for what is in their own best interest. That once the military budget gets so large, it becomes burdensome on society, that people will just automatically vote it smaller. As we have seen, it doesn’t work like that and in America as General and then President Dwight Eisenhower stated in 1961, we are feeling the wrath and disastrous impact of misplaced power that he warned us of. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”   Full speech:  

Taxation has long been thought of as inevitable, yet every function of government has been done at some time by its Citizens when government either couldn’t, wouldn’t or shouldn’t. Our own Revolutionary War showed that a standing army (the British Government) could actually be defeated by well regulated militias (volunteer soldiers) and maritime Privateers (volunteer sailors with privately owned ships). Many turnpikes, especially in the northeast U.S., were built by private Citizens to increase economic activities between communities, excluding the need for taxation. Electrical grids were built by private enterprise, as were bridges, dams, and railways. Home schooling and private schools outperform government run education by such levels that anyone that has the money or time chooses them in preference to public education. Most roads are built by residential and commercial developers (private enterprise) than forces to turn them over to the various government jurisdictions. It is government that has always said that taxation is inevitable, as they want to impose the tax, which helps them maintain their power controls. It is not that the use of taxation always ends up badly, even though it surely does most often times, but that it is antithetic to individual rights. Consider that society, government nor the courts have yet to determine the specific reasons and criteria for when the Citizens of a community should acquiesce their inalienable rights to favor the public good. It is obvious that Judges have almost always favored taxation as they are employees of the government, whose livelihoods depend on it and being appointed by politicians whose economic power base depends on it. The vary individuals who are usurping the Constitution are the ones promoting taxation, since they benefit the most from its existence, despite the negative ramifications to the majority and a blatant conflict of interest.                    

So How Does It Work?

Government contractors including the military industrial complex play a vital role in the redistribution of wealth, a fundamental aspect of socialism and communism; hence the governments need for an enemy at all times, either real, created or imagined and if you piss-off enough nations around the world you will surely get your wish. People despite the call for altruism and justice, vote their pocket books or are ignorant of the negative ramifications that offset any real benefit to the majority from government. The redistribution of wealth is just that, redistributing the majority’s wealth into the hands of the few.  The Kings and Queens did it, the Aristocrats did it and every political system known to mankind does it. What better guise is there, then “protecting the public’ from enemies foreign and domestic, to get the public to go along with stealing their wealth and filtering it into the various military contractors that are owned and controlled by the very ruling oligarchs that create the tax and spending legislation.  The contractors are then beholden to the legislators and return the benefit (money) by contributing to the campaign of their favored politicians. The do the same thing to the major media outlets and even bureaucratic jobs are contingent upon campaign contributions, promises and getting out the vote. Now comes the bankers and their influence on the entire system. Guess where the military contractors get the money to build their factories, do their research and development and buy their materials to build the weapons, bullets, make the clothing, buy the fuels, grow and buy the foods, etc. etc. etc.  From the milk, supplied by subsidized dairy farmers to the oil to fuels the jets, tanks and Humvees, much of the political process is geared to funneling the money lent by the bankers to the contractor, with a huge percentage skimmed off to contribute to the political campaigned, whom vote  to tax and spend on the military industrial complex which pays back the bankers principle loans plus interest, all guaranteed by the U.S. taxpayer, you.  It is the perfect scam. If anybody objects, there are incarcerated for tax evasion. Those that go along with the system get subsidized guaranties for wages and profits depending on their contribution to the system. The U.S. has become a system, whose very livelihood depends on warfare, for without it many of the wealthy would join the ranks of the majority.            

We have sadly gone way past the point, some believe “the point of no return”, when the very costs of government, including interest payments, cannot be repaid because of the economic affects brought on by the continuous expanding levels of excessive taxation, regulation and government spending. In other words, a large percentage of businesses in America can no longer survive (stay in business) year after year of very heavy levels of taxation and regulation and therefore, those that have enough capital to be able to move off shore, do so and the others, attempt to shelter their losses though various methods such as bankruptcies and various other forms of legal tax avoidance, or close down. With the exception of course, of the military industrial complex, who somehow keep getting funded by a corrupted political system.             

The day is sad when those in political and economic power display their arrogance and psychopathic tendencies so blatantly as to call any and all in opposition to their actions and policies terrorists, when it is they who are not only terrorizing other nations, but the very people there are pretending to protect, using various fascist economic and regulatory policies, all for personal gains. When a Nation’s Constitution becomes a worthless piece of paper that the majority can no longer utilize to achieve justice and liberty of all, yet those in power hide behind it to protect themselves from being prosecuted for their unconstitutional acts, it is a sad day. 
