Letters to the Editor • Conspiracies

I Am Ashamed of My Country

I Am Ashamed of My Country

by Alan R. Adaschik


Posted on US Message Board at:


The following posts are numbered as they appear on US Message Board.  Not all posts are included and no posts from other people are shown.  However, this does not detract in any way from the message presented.  There are over 650 posts to this discussion and the thread has been viewed over 5,000 times.  The posts presented have been edited for clarity, but the original meaning and intent is preserved.


Post #1


I am 68 years old, secure in retirement, led a storybook life, was a Navy Fighter Pilot, live far better than most Americans, and consider myself a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen.  Upon my retirement as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City Commission dedicated the day I retired to me in my honor.  Despite all this something is very wrong.  I am ashamed of my country and believe that, for the past 100 years, the true history of this nation is one of deception, shame, and dishonor.  Compounding my problem is that fact that as a Christian I believe God is truth.  Therefore, I cannot lie to myself even though I loathe thinking what I believe to be true.

I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994.  At the time, on my way to work I picked up a copy of the Sun-Sentinel and read these words; tossing sovereignty issues aside, Congress passed GATT.  Upon so doing, I asked myself, “How the hell can Congress toss sovereignty issues aside?  They are paid to protect our sovereignty.”  Subsequently, I purchased a copy of the GATT accord and read it from cover to cover.  I was shocked!  Congress didn’t just toss sovereignty issues aside they tossed them in the shitter.  What I learned was that a condition of our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) was Congress had to agree to subordinate itself, our President, and our Supreme Court to the WTO’s Ruling Panels and take steps to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and procedures conformed with those of the WTO.


My anger motivated me to sue our President and Congress over GATT’s Constitutionality acting as attorney pro se for the voting citizens of this nation. I also wrote a book entitled, “While We Sleep, A Story of Government Without Law”.  After doing that, I hosted a website called the Constitution Forum and recently, I wrote an open letter to the citizens of the United States, the purpose of which was an attempt to lead Americans down a path similar to the one I had taken in the hope they would finally wake up.


If you are interested in learning more about these matters, please use the following links.


My Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States:



A free copy of my book, “While We Sleep”:



A transcript of my Lawsuit against the Federal Government:



Subsequent posts to the one above are as follows:     



Post #135

I have been asked to tell you specifically why I am ashamed of my country. I will do so, but first a disclaimer!  What I am about to reveal is highly controversial because it involves Judaism. Let me state for the record that my Christianity precludes me from being anti-Semitic. Beyond this, I sincerely believe that Jews are no different from the rest of us and that there religion is not inherently bad or evil. Having said this, let me also state that I believe that Judaism happens to be cursed by far too many people in positions of leadership who are misguided and do evil because they think that their despicable behavior is sanctioned by God. This is especially true of Zionist leaders. Please be careful not to conclude that these statements apply to adherents to Zionism or Judaism, but instead, solely to some of their leaders in key positions of leadership.

In 1913, our government was overtaken by Zionist elements in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. A key agenda of these people was the establishment of the State of Israel. For the sake of achieving this goal, the Zionist induced America to enter WWI on the side of the allies who as a result, won the war they were losing before America became involved. This development planted the seeds of anti-Semitism in Germany which were further galvanized by the Zionist inspired harsh peace terms imposed by the treaty of Versailles. The Zionist took these steps to deliberately instill hostility to the Jews in the German people because they needed to create a hostile environment in Europe so as to garner immigrants for the soon to be created state of Israel. Toward this end the Zionists also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and in 1933 engineered a declaration of total war against Germany by world Jewry.

There you have it. This is only a small part of this horrific story but it essentially is why I am ashamed to be an American. Like Germany, the United States is a victim and stooge to the Zionists. We entered WWI because of their duplicity and intrigue and the Zionists also bear direct and sole responsibility for bringing on WWII. Now, on their behalf we are aiding and abetting them in victimizing the Palestinian people. The real tragedy is that in this cause we are sacrificing our rights, our resources, our young men and women, our Constitution, and our heritage. We think we are trying to rid the world of terrorism, but what we are really doing is ridding the world of ourselves.


Post #185

I disagree and I offer the following to separate the two; Judaism is a Religion. Zionism is a political movement within Judaism. The two really are two different things. The purpose of Judaism is to find favor with God. The purpose of Zionism is to create a nation.

To help your thinking further, go to these websites and what I have said will become perfectly clear to you.

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism



Post #225

In order to fully comprehend what the Zionists have done and are doing to us, it is best to look at all the events which transpired which bear their fingerprints, but please understand that I cannot write and post what can be construed as an article.  So this will be a list as I see things and I will not provide any analysis and/or explanation concerning the significance or the reasons behind these events.  It will be up to you, the board participants who take me to task and make me substantiate and explain the claims I am making.


We must start by going back to the time of the Revolution War which according to Benjamin Franklin was not so much a war to rid us of Great Brittan, but instead, a war to rid us of the International Bankers who controlled that nation.  Who were these people?  The old line rich Jewish Families which controlled banking throughout the world for centuries.  It is the descendents of these people, drunk with the power of pulling the strings which made nations dance for centuries, which would eventually embrace Zionism and hatch a plot to rule the world as a New World Order.  In order to accomplish this, it was essential to bring the United States under their thumb and this is where our list of events begins.


1.  In 1910, a meeting was held at Jekyll Island, Georgia, to map out a strategy for getting Congress to pass legislation making a banking cartel the central bank of the United States.


2. In 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act.


3.  In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to allow a tax on income.


4.  In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to provide for the election of Senators by popular vote instead of being appointed by their respective state legislatures.


The above three Acts of Congress when examined together constitute the first overthrow of the government of the United States of America.

5.  Sometime prior to America’s entry into WWI, Zionist leaders cut a deal with Great Brittan which, at the time was losing WWI, such that if England supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, they would bring the United States into the war on the side of the allies.


6.  In 1917, four months after the United States entered WWI, England issued its Balfour Declaration which stated it supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.


7.  Upon being defeated by the allies, the Treaty of Versailles severely punished Germany.


8.  Subsequent to WWI, the Zionists financed the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany.


9.  In 1929, the entire world went into a major depression.


10.  In 1933, the Zionist played a key role in getting world Jewry to declare total war on Germany.


11.  In 1939, WWII broke out in Europe.


12. In 1948, the State of Israel was established in Palestine.


13. In 1963, President Kennedy by Executive Order 11110, initiated the printing of United States Treasury notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes.


14. In 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated.


The assassination of President Kennedy by the Fed constituted the second overthrow of the Government of the United States of America.

15. Prior to the Six Day war between Israel and Egypt, a plot was hatched and President Johnson was ordered to nuke Cairo upon the sinking of an American spy ship, the USS Liberty.  The sinking of this ship with all hands on board would provide President Johnson with the excuse he needed to follow his orders.


16. In 1994, the United States joined the World Trade Organization.


Our joining the World Trade Organization constituted the third overthrow of the government of the United States of America.  Upon consummation of this final overthrow, the process is complete and Americans now live under a government with a shell that looks like the one we used to have, but this is all that is left.

17. In 1994, Congress enacted NAFTA.


18. In 2004, Congress enacted CAFTA.


19. In 2001, the World Trade Center was destroyed by a terrorist attack.


20. Following the turn of the Century a real estate boom bubbled and then collapsed which brought about our present economic downturn and our second Great Depression.


There you have it!  Twenty major events engineered by those behind the Fed solely for their benefit and not ours.  I like to call them the Magnificent 20.  It should be understood that none of these events would have happened if Congress had not passed the Federal Reserve act in 1913.  I am sure that most you will not agree with me.  This being the case let the discussions begin.



Post #298

I wish to start out by complementing all of you for behaving so responsibly.  What I have posted in this thread, to say the very least is shocking to the core and I anticipated a much stronger reaction from the members of this board.  This tells me that you truly are thinking individuals who care about the truth.  Having said this, I also must say to those who disagree with me to open your minds so instead of seeing what you want to see and hearing what you want to hear, you hear and see what is really there.


No sane person wants to believe what I believe and no sane person wants to think the worst of the government which made us what we are today, but that government has changed and no longer is worthy of our trust, confidence, and support.  Accepting this despicable reality goes against everything we hold dear and sacred in life.  This I understand.  However, as citizens of this nation we all share a responsibility to know what is going on, so we can responsibly fulfill our obligation as citizens.  We all know that something is very wrong with our ship of state.  This is why many of you agreed with my first post.  However, when I told you what is wrong, I lost almost all of you.


Before proceeding, I have a request.  Forget you are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, and most important, Americans.   Thinking you are these things colors you perceptions and becomes a veil which hides the truth.  In order to fulfill your responsibilities of as a citizen of this once great nation, you must know and see the truth and in order to do this, you must divest yourselves of a personal interest in the reality we are seeking.  In other words, to find the truth you must not have a personal stake in it.  Most of the reactions I have received on this post indicate your preferences and these preferences have nothing to do with the truth.


From this point forward, you are not human beings and you are not citizens of the United States.  Instead you are crew members of a UFO studying us for the purposes of reporting back to our seniors what is happening to the United States.  I am the facilitator of a meeting of these aliens and my job is to provide you with information and my analysis of this information.  Your job is to question everything I say so our final report does not contain any inconsistencies or falsehoods.  This is the mind set you must have to properly comprehend and digest what I will present and this is the mindset which will allow us to find the truth.  Anything else is not a search for the truth, but instead, a search to find comfort and security.



Post #310

As Facilitator, I now do hereby convene this Zarcan mini-council, the purpose of which, as directed by the Superior Council of the planet Zarcan, is to determine what has happened and is happening to the United States of America.  Our work here is important because the fate of mankind hangs in the balance.  If our investigations determine that the United States is still the stepchild of its Founders, we will leave them in peace knowing that the world is in good hands.  However, if we find that the United States is something other than what it is supposed to be, then our orders are to destroy the planet and all its inhabitants.  Zarcans cannot and will not tolerate failure and if the United States of America has failed there is no hope for mankind and they must be removed from the Universe for the benefit of us all.



Post #311

We will start our by examining the first for of our Magnificent 20 events, which are:


1.  In 1910, a meeting was held at Jekyll Island, Georgia, to map out a strategy for getting Congress to pass legislation making a banking cartel the central bank of the United States.


2. In 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act.


3.  In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to allow a tax on income.


4.  In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to provide for the election of Senators by popular vote instead of being appointed by their respective state legislatures.


The above three Acts of Congress, when examined together  constitute the first overthrow of the government of the United States of America.

In order to establish that a government has been overthrown, two things are necessary; intent and action.  The actions we are looking for are things which happened concurrent with the overthrow attempt which substantially changed the nature and form of the government in question.  The intent we are looking for is the willful knowledge that the actions taken were taken for the sole purpose of changing the nature and form of the government in question.  Today we will only deal with the latter issue and attempt to determine if in 1913 there was group of people who harbored the intent to overthrow the government of the United States.


During the Revolutionary War of the United States, one of their greatest leaders, Benjamin Franklin said, “The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of King George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.”  I bring this up because it indicates that colonist knew they were fighting a war to establish a government which was free of the international bankers who ruled the known world at the time.  Conversely, it this was true, it follows that international bankers were aware of this and this being the case, it was their conscience intent to use the military forces of Great Brittan to prevent the colonists from establishing a government which the didn’t control.


Secondly, one of the leading international bankers of the world is Mayer Anselm Rothschild and he said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a Nation and I are not who makes its laws”.  The legislative process, without question, is the prime function of government.  If as Mr. Rothschild said, this prime functioned is trumped by a group of people who control and issue its money, then it follows that it is well established knowledge among international bankers that by getting control of a nations money supply, they in fact also get control of the nation in question.


In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed by Congress and this Act gave the international bankers the power to issue the money of the United States.  The people who received this power knew full well what they were getting.  In fact, they held a secret meeting just prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act on Jekyll Island, Georgia where the plotted and developed the strategy to get the Federal Reserve act passed.


In conclusion, the conspirators involved knew that passage of the Federal Reserve Act would give them the power to control the government of the United States.  Thus it has been clearly established that these conspirators had the intention to overthrow the government of the United States and their vehicle for doing this was the Federal Reserve Act which they themselves created for specifically for their intended purpose.


Is there any disagreement with this conclusion:  If so, please provide this council with the reasons why you disagree.



Post #318

From the responses offered and my answers to those responses, it is evident that the Jekyll Island conspirators are members of banking families which pulled the strings which made nations dance for centuries.  This being the case their intent was not to just provide money creation and economy management service to our nation, but instead, was to undo our Revolutionary War by using the great wealth gained from loaning us our own money at interest to corrupt and control the major institutions of our society.  Their ill gotten gains would not only allow them to control our Congress and President.  Eventually, both political parties, the news media, and entertainment industries would fall under their influence and control.  They would eventually not only hold sway over who runs for office but more importantly, control the news and media coverage such candidates receive (remember how the media treated that nut job Ross Perot and now how they are treating out-of-touch with reality RonPaul).  Eventually, Americans would proudly subscribe to a new kind of thinking called ‘politically correct’ thought which is nothing more than the public’s acceptance and adoption of modes of thought and kinds of thinking pre-approved by our government controllers.  In the cold war against the USSR, such a state of affairs was called brain-washing.



Post #319

As concluded in my previous post, the intent to dominate and control our government was the motivation behind the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, but for an overthrow to have occurred a significant change to the form and nature must also have taken place.  Did this happen?


In 1913 three major changes occurred to our government:


1.  The Federal Reserve act was passed creating the Federal Reserve Bank which now had the authority to create money and loan it back to us at interest.  Of course, the Fed also the authority to set these interest rates.  Think about that for a moment?  According to our Constitution, Congress was supposed to coin our money and regulate its value by controlling the amount of money in circulation, not by setting interests rates which are not necessary under this arrangement.  Furthermore, when money is placed in circulation by Congress, it is paid back to our government.  In contrast, we have to pay interest on money borrowed from the Fed and they keep every dollar we pay them.  They own this money it by virtue of the fact they created it out of thin air, but it is really our money.  The problem is they are paid back, not with dollars created out of thin air, but with money earned by hard working Americans.  Therefore, the Federal Reserve Bank and all the other national backs throughout the world are akin to super Ponzi schemes.  I say super because in a normal Ponzi scheme, participants only lose the money they invested.  In contrast, with the Feds Ponzi scheme, our government forces all of us to be in the game and eventually, we will lose everything we have and own.  We see that unfolding before us today as we enter our second Great Depression.


2.  Our Constitution was changed to allow for a tax on the wages earned by working Americans.  Prior to passage of the Federal Reserve Act, our government earned all the money it needed to operate through duties, tariffs and other charges.  However, after passage of the Federal Reserve act, a new source of revenue was needed to pay back to the Fed the money it created for us plus interest.  Thus, a tax on income and the wages of working Americans was instituted by our government for this purpose.  If Congress printed this money instead of the Fed, the principle would be paid back to our government and interest did not have to enter the equation.  Furthermore, with Congress receiving back the money it created, the amount of money needed by our government would be far less than it is today.  Our national debt is huge because the Fed takes our money instead of it being returned to our government.


3.  Our Constitution was changed to allow for the direct election of Senators by citizens instead of their being appointed by the state Legislators.  What this amendment did was change the Government of the United States from being a federal government into a national government; the difference being that a federal government is a federation of state governments which have an element of control over the federal government.  In contrast, states under a national government exercise no control and are subservient to it.  The fact that state legislators appointed representatives to the Senate was the most important check and balance incorporated within our Constitution by the Founders and it was the only way the states had of keeping the federal government under control.


There you have it; three major changes to how our government functions and operates and they all occurred in 1913 as a result of actions taken by the Jekyll Island conspirators.


Before the changes in 1913:


Our government was a federation of State governments. Congress, the Supreme Court, and President acted independently of each other. Congress coined our money and regulated its value. No tax on income or wages was needed. No interest was paid on the national debt. State legislators controlled Congress by appointing its Senators.


After the changes in 1913:


Our government was a National government. Congress, the Supreme Court, and Present deferred to the Fed. The Fed, a private foreign corporation, created our money and loaned it to us at interest. A tax on income and wages was created. We now had to pay interest on the national debt. Senators were voted into office directly by citizens marginalizing the role state governments played in national affairs.


The above changes when considered together constitute a major and significant change to how Americans are governed and therefore constitute an overthrow of the government of the United States.


In conclusion, in 1910 a group of conspirators met on Jekyll Island, Georgia to plan the overthrow of the government of the United States of America.  The changes they engineered, which occurred 1913, are significant changes to how America is governed and how its government functions.  Therefore, it is logical and reasonable to conclude that an overthrow did, in fact, occur.  The irony of this situation is that if you visit Jekyll Island, the room where these people met is still there and has a plaque in it commemorating this historic meeting.  Imagine that!  These people are so brazen and sure of their power that they actually publically brag about and commemorate a meeting to overthrow us.


Zarcan Council Members may now provide their objections and criticisms to what has just been presented.



Post #353

At this point it has been established that the conspirators who met on Jekyll Island knew that they were plotting the takeover of the United States Government and that the events of 1913 constituted a significant change in how our government functioned and operated.  Therefore, it can reasonably be concluded that the government or the United States had been overthrown.



Post #355

Now we will discuss the 5th and 6th items in my list of the Magnificent 20 events.


5.  Sometime prior to America’s entry into WWI, Zionist leaders cut a deal with Great Brittan which, at the time was losing WWI, such that if England supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, they would bring the United States into the war on the side of the allies.




6.  In 1917, four months after the United States entered WWI, England issued its Balfour Declaration which stated it supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.


Item #5, above, was revealed to us by Benjamin Freedman, a Jew who decided to tell the world about what the Zionists were up to.  Unfortunately, other than Mr. Freedman’s sincere honesty, we have nothing which directly corroborates his revelations.  However, despite this shortcoming we do have several other things that we know which makes them highly plausible.


First of all, prior to WWI, the United States was an isolationist nation which followed George Washington’s advice to us to have as little to do with the nations of Europe as possible.  President Woodrow Wilson was elected to a second term of office in November 1916 on the campaign slogan, “He kept us out of the war”.  Yet, 5 months later in 1917, America entered the WWI on the side of the allies.  Furthermore, Woodrow Wilson, our isolationist president championed our entry into this “war to end all wars” and this “war to make the world safe for democracy”.


It has been postured that the reasons the United States entered WWI because of Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare which resulted in the sinking Lusitania and the loss of 153 American lives.  Another reason offered is that Germany had approached Mexico to become its ally if the US entered the war.  While the drums of war were definitely beating within the United States over these incidents, the question is who was beating those drums; the media (nothing suspicious there)?  Furthermore, is an “if America entered the war” tantamount to a declaration of war on the United States by Germany?  Not to trivialize the loss of 153 lives, but does the death of these Americans who were so foolish to sail on a British liner after Germany had declared unrestricted warfare on England, justify turning a European war into a world war.  Furthermore, does this make sense in light of that this war cost us 22 billion dollars and the lives of 137,000 of our finest men and women?  Finally, does any of this make sense in consideration of the fact that Germany had issued a peace proclamation prior to America’s entry into the war?  No, there was more to our entry into WWI than meets the eye and what doesn’t meet the eye is sickening.


Where the worm really turns on this one is revealed magnificent event #6.  England issued its Balfour Declaration four months after the United States Entered WWI.  Why?  This is truly an astounding development.  In the middle of what was now a world war which had nothing to do with the Jews or with the Palestinians, why would England issue a declaration which gave Palestine to the Jews?  Benjamin Freedman answered this question and his revelation is the only thing that makes sense.  England issued its Balfour Declaration because it had cut a deal with the Zionists.  The Zionists upheld their part of the bargain by bringing the United States into the war and the British demonstrated they would honor this agreement by issuing the Balfour Declaration.


To understand the truth about what I am saying, please go to read the following references:

The designs and actions of the Zionists in our government – The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; http://www.rense.com/general34/amaz.htm

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 -  Wikipedia.org:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration_of_1917

The German 1916 Proposal for Peace – Total War and Peacemaking: http://www.hungarian-history.hu/lib/...ria/tria03.htm

The British Mandate for Palestine: Brief History of Palestine, Israel and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict (Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle East Conflict) British Mandate

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.


Zarcan Council Members may now provide their objections and criticisms to what has just been presented.



Post #356

No, I am not afraid of a world economic agreement. What I fear most is what the future holds for this nation and the other people in the world. I have written many articles on this subject, but what it boils down to is that the people who run and manage the New World Order are not statesmen and are not interested in the welfare and well-being of mankind. What they are is a bunch of meglo-maniac demented criminals who think they are better than everyone else in the world. Greed is their only attribute and money and power is all they care about.

For example one, the economic system forced upon humanity because of these criminals is doomed to fail. A debt based monetary system is only healthy when the world’s economy is expanding exponentially. This means it can only remain healthy in world with and infinite population and infinite resources. We live in finite world with finite resources so the economic system we have in the world today because of our monetary system is doomed to collapse which we see the beginnings of as I write. These amoral Cretans who did this to us knew what they were doing and they did it anyway because they care only about themselves and view us as cattle.

For example two, the biggest problem the world faces today is over-population. Beyond question, 6 billion plus people on this planet is not sustainable as things stand. This being the case, Governments, especially a world government should be doing everything within reason to slow and reverse population growth. Is that happening?  No!  Why not!  Because expanding populations are necessary for the health and well being of our economic system, so population issues and the resulting consequences are ignored.

The NWO is a dictatorial Oligarchy of the rich and powerful. It is neither a Democracy nor a Republic. Instead, it is the destroyer of our Republic and enemy of democracy. It also is the destroyer of everything which is good and worthwhile in life. And this is what the Republicans and Democrats think is good for America and the rest of the World.

No I am not afraid of a world economic agreement. What I am afraid of is that it will be engineered by greedy criminals who make sure we come out on the short end of the stick.


Post #382

In our previous Zarcan Council meeting we determined that the most reasonable explanation for why England issued its Balfour Declaration was that it had cut a deal with the Zionist such that if England supported the Zionists in establishing a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, the Zionists would bring America into the war on the side of the allies.


Now we are now going to discuss 5 events of the Magnificent 20; 6, 7, 8, 10, & 11.  Event number six has already been discussed but it is necessary to include it here because it contributes to understand the other four.  We will get to event number nine at our next meeting.


The five events under examination are:


6.  In 1917, four months after the United States entered WWI, England issued its Balfour Declaration which stated it supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.


7.  Upon being defeated by the allies, the Treaty of Versailles severely punished Germany.


8.  Subsequent to WWI, the Zionists financed the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany.


10.  In 1933, the Zionist played a key role in getting world Jewry to declare total war on Germany.


11.  In 1939, WWII broke out in Europe.


Prior to WWI, there was no anti-Semitism in Germany of note.  Jews were respected, accepted, and integrated into German Society at all levels.  Many of them were wealthy industrialists.  What happened?  Magnificent event #6 happened.


Imagine that you are a Corporal in the German army who was a failed artist and wallpaper hanger before WWI.  Due to unrestricted submarine warfare, your side was winning and which was a source of great pride to you.  Then one day, the Americans enter the war and you ask yourself, how the hell did this happen?  For the next four months you watch the tide of war change and see friend after friend and buddy after buddy die under the enemy onslaught.  You again ask yourself, how can this be happening?  When our side was winning we offered to end the war and now America’s involvement will ensure our defeat.  Eventually, you hear about England’s Balfour declaration and then the dawn comes; the Jews cut a deal with England to bring America into the war and the Balfour Declaration was England’s way of giving assurances that it would hold up its end of the bargain.  Wouldn’t this be enough to drive an unstable person insane and how many Germans in the trenches were enraged by these turn of events?


Wait, the story gets better than this!  Getting the Allies to commit to helping establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine after the war was the easy part.  In order to establish a nation, you need people and as things stood at the time, no self-respecting Jew in Europe would leave what was a very comfortable part of the world to live in a desert; promise land or not.  What’s a Zionist to do?  Well golly gee, let’s heap a few more abominations on the Germans so as to create more incentive for the Jews to leave.  We coerced England into issuing its Balfour Declaration to plant the seeds of hatred toward the Jews in Germany, now let’s water those seeds by ensuring that extremely harsh peace terms are imposed on the Germans by the treaty of Versailles.  To add insult to injury, let’s do this despite the facts that Germany did not start the war, was winning it before the Americans go involved, and had issued a peace proclamation to end the war. 


The Treaty of Versailles further enraged those German boys who were lucky enough to survive the trenches.  Can you imagine what was being said about the Jews in those German Beer halls which everyone frequented?  And being the enterprising plotters they are, the Zionists thought this fire should burn a little brighter so they stoked it some by financing Hitler’s rise to power.  What better way to force Jews to leave Europe than to have a Jew hating Nazi as the leader of Germany?  It doesn’t get any better than this! 


But now the story really gets good!


The Zionists in their zeal to establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine still thought more needed to be done, so they decided to add gasoline to the fire by holding a world conference of Jews in Amsterdam which in 1933, declared total war on Germany the stated goal of bringing about Germany’s total destruction.  Imagine the effect this had upon the deranged wallpaper hanger previously mentioned and imagine the effect this had on the German people.  I’ll tell you what effect it had, that no good rabble rousing wallpaper hanger became dictator of Germany.  And upon so doing, his thoughts were, “if the Jews want total war, they will have total war and through it, I will rid this planet of them forever”.  And do you know what?  No one in Germany stood up to tell him he was crazy.  I wonder why?


In 1939, WWII broke out in Europe.  I wonder why?


Zarcan Council Members are now asked to answer the questions asked above and provide their assessments about what you have just been told.


Additional documentation for the above may be found at the following link.  It is extremely important for you to go to this link so you will understand what has just been presented:


The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/jdecwar.html



Post #398

Well, it looks like nobody is going to come up with a better explanation of what happened to Germany because Zionist duplicity and manipulation.  Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the German people suffered terribly at the hands of the Zionists and fought and lost two wars because of them.  Some of you may still think this is good because, after all, they were Nazis.  However, what you are forgetting is that what Germany became after WWI would never have happened if the Allies had treated Germany fairly after they lost the war and the Zionists were not there to help Adolph Hitler rise to power.  Therefore, it is also reasonable to conclude that the United States fought WWII solely because of Zionist duplicity and intrigue the purpose of which was to establish the state of Israel and this cost this nation 288 billion dollars and 500,000 of our finest men and women.  The total cost of WWII to the nations of the world was 2,091 billion dollars and 63 million slaughtered solely so 8 million Jews can live in a desert which belongs to someone else.


Now we will move and discuss magnificent event #9 which is:


In 1929, the entire world went into a major depression.


Not much to say here other than that the Federal Bank deliberately caused the Depression.  Foul! Foul!  You moron, you haven’t proved this.  Your right, I can’t prove it, but what I can do is provide you with this link where Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke admits that the Fed deliberately caused the Great Depression.




Come to think of it!  I have a few more things to say.


First of all, we should remember that one of the reasons Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act was so that depressions would be eliminated and now we are told by Ben Bernanke that instead of doing their job properly, they actually intentionally created one.  I do not know where you folks stand on this, but from my perspective this is fraud and this being the case, why hasn’t anyone been arrested for this crime?  I’ll tell you why!  Because our government not only does not know which nation the Fed was incorporated under, it also does not know who its officers and leaders are.   This is fine how-do-you-do!  We can’t hold the leaders of the Fed accountable under our laws because other than Bernanke, we do not know who owns and runs the Fed.


Secondly, I find it illuminating the Fed Chairman Bernanke would actually admit that the Fed caused the Great Depression.  Think about this for a moment.  Isn’t this a terrible and horrifying admission and Bernanke tells us this like he was telling us what he had for breakfast.  Why is he so casual about something so horrendous?  Because the Fed has become so powerful that it doesn’t care about what Americans know or think.  If you don’t like it, so what!  You can’t do a damned thing about it.  What does this say about the nature of the government we have.  The Fed admits to a serious crime which ruined people’s lives and brought abject misery to the entire world and there isn’t a damn thing our government will do about it.  Why?  Because our government is a puppet to the Fed which owns it lock, stock, and barrel.


Comments please!



Post #418

In our last Zarcan Council meeting we learned that the Federal Reserve, aka the New World Order, aka the old world order, brought about the Great Depression which brought abject misery and suffering to the entire world and the government of the United States, which people mistakenly think is their government, was powerless to do anything about it because it is not.  Think about it!  When our government passed the Federal Reserve Act, it was actually voting to turn the citizens of this once great nation into subjects while subordinating itself to an organization where Zionist elements ruled the day.  Furthermore, in the final analysis, it was also voting to bring on WWI and WWII.  And yet so many Americans are clueless about this and they actually are proud of the status quo and call upon God to bless this lamentable state of affairs.


The next magnificent event on our list is:


12.  In1948, the State of Israel was established in Palestine.


At this point, we all should understand exactly how the state of Israel was created by the Zionists and there is nothing left to say other than that supporting the creation of this religious state, second only to adoption of the Federal Reserve Act, was the one of the biggest blunders made in our history because it brought on our permanent war on terror which is now being used as an excuse to trash our Bill of Rights and put the final nails into the coffin which holds our Constitution.  Did you understand what I just said?  So the Zionists will have their government in Israel, we must sacrifice ours here in the United States.


As things stand today and as a direct result of the establishment of the state of Israel, the United States of America is overseen by a puppet government with elected officials who take their oath of office with their fingers crossed while its citizens solemnly pledge allegiance to a republic which no longer exists.  And most Americans have been so cleverly brainwashed that they take pride in this state of affairs.  That’s right, there’s a chicken in our pot and this makes us greatest nation in the world even though we have no clue as to how we are being governed and the evil which is being done in our name.


The next magnificent event on our list is:


 13.  In 1963, President Kennedy by Executive Order 11110 initiated the printing of United States Treasury notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes.


As usual most Americans are totally unaware that Kennedy did such a thing and what it meant to this Nation and its people.  I wonder why this is the case?  Do I have to spell it out for you or can you or have you learned enough at this point to figure this one out for yourself.


Kennedy was our greatest President in modern times because what he accomplished by executive order was to undo the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  He did this by ordering the Treasury Department to print United States Treasury Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes which cut the Fed out of the pattern and took away its rice bowl.  In other words Kennedy was attempting to restore our Republic by undoing the Fed engineered overthrow of our government in 1913.  Wow, this truly is stupendous news and not a peep about in the newspapers.  I guess they did not report this earth shaking event to the American people because they knew it wouldn’t last.  Why burden Americas with unimportant news?


The next magnificent event on our list is:


14.  In 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and this constituted the second overthrow of the government of the United States by the Fed.


Whoa, hold on there bucko, we got you now.  If our government was overthrown in 1913 as you claim, why did it have to be overthrown again and where is the “proof” that the Fed assassinated Kennedy?


The answer to the first part of this question is simple.  As already stated, by printing United States Treasury notes in lieu of Federal Reserve Notes President Kennedy literally undid the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and this essentially undid the first overthrow of our government.  Obviously, the Fed could not let this happen so they had to re-overthrow our government by killing Kennedy.  What Kennedy did was make the deadly mistake of being our President instead of theirs and this resulted in his assassination.  Furthermore, stop and think what a great incentive this was for our future presidents not to make the same mistake.  Maybe this is why none of them printed anymore Treasury Notes even though President Kennedy’s executive order still stands to the this day.


Proving this is impossible, but it is the only thing which makes sense.  First of all, we all know that the Warren Commission report, with its magic bullet theory was a whitewash.  Oswald did not act alone and was part of a wider conspiracy.  Once you accept this fact, it is now incumbent to figure out who was a party to this conspiracy and to do this we have to ask ourselves who had an axe to grind and/or benefited from Kennedy’s demise.  First on our list is the Mafia, which helped get Kennedy elected and believed they were stabbed in the back when Kennedy unleashed his Attorney General Brother Robert on them.  Then there are all those Cubans who Kennedy abandoned on the beaches of Cuba when he withheld the promised air support for their invasion.


Certainly, both the mafia and the Cubans had a motive for wanting to see Kennedy dead, but this motive was based solely upon revenge.  In contrast, the Fed had the best motive for wanting Kennedy dead because he was throwing a monkey wrench into their accomplishments over the past 50 years and by so doing was also destroying their plans for a so called New World Order.  In other words, the Fed had no other choice but to kill Kennedy.  If Lee Harvey Oswald truly acted alone, then this would make his assassination of Kennedy the most ironic event in the history of our nation because this would mean he beat the Fed to the punch.  And if you believe this, then you must also believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Great Pumpkin.


Comments and rebuttals please!



Post #421

I am not an anti-Semite. What am doing is providing my best perception of what the truth is. If by circumstance, this is derogatory to the Zionists, this does not make me anti-Semitic for two reasons:

1. Not all Jews are Zionists. I am only critical of Zionists and this being the case; you may call me anti-Zionist but not Anti-Semitic.

2. If what I am saying is true, then I cannot be labeled an anti-Semite because to tr
