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IPFS News Link • Justice and Judges

“Although unfairness and injustice to a litigant may result on occasion, ‘it is a general principle

• Slaying Goliaths Since 2008
The quotation above is part of a judicial opinion filed on 1/13/2010 by a Federal Judge, John W. Sedwick, of the Federal District of Alaska, in dismissing Violation of Civil Rights Lawsuits filed by Tajudeen "Taj" Oladiran, and his spouse, against Judges Susan Bolton and G. Murray Snos of the Federal District if Arizona. In his opinion, Judge Sedwick explains that although Plaintiffs,Tajudeen "Taj" Oladiran, and his spouse, may be correct in their allegations that two judges (Bolton and Snow) of the Federal District of Arizona took actions that were unfair and unjust against Tajudeen "Taj" Oladiran, and his spouse, and in favor of Suntrust Bank, such action could not be the basis for a Volation of Civil Rights lawsuit against the Judges because of "judicial immunity." According to Judge Sedwick, under federal law: “Although unfairness and injustice to a litigant may result on occasion, ‘it is a general principle of the highest importance to the proper administration of justic

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Unfairness and injustice are the cornerstones of the American legal system (notice that I'm not calling it 'the American justice system' on purpose so as not to perpetuate an oxymoron)

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 My head just exploded thinking about this! WTF is wrong with these people! This type of insanity is why people go postal. I could not even look myself in the mirror if I had ever said that load of crap. Karma is out there looking overtime for this judge, just ask Earl ! I hope the video is on Youtube.