Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Obama Administration

"Mind Over Chatter" enough of the "Czar" routine fear mongering..

To all of these "inflamed paranoids" that write columns here on this and other WEB sites. These fear mongorer\'s apparently cannot think back far enough to remember and truthfully admit that the term "Czar" was first coined by Nixon, and many other "Czar\'s" post were created and appointed by Reagan, pappa Bush and Lil Bush or Dick "Buckshot" Cheney. Way before Obama was ever heard from or Known. This term "Czar" was started by the Republicans to describe in a loose term the appointee\'s job title. The reason is the actual title is way too long for most to remember. The press are the one that actual perpetrate this term which has been used for decades....or as Gilda Radner would say "NEVER MIND" after being informed that her rants were completely unfounded once Chevy Chase informed her that its not Eagle Rights ..its Equal lighten up for once and speak the real truth of where and when the Term Czar was originated.Its only 1916 in your own mind not in the reality of the big picture.  

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by Max Woody Media-ocre
Entered on:

In Reference to Oyate questions and comments..The Chickasaw nation was one of the 5 peaceful tribe's. Our nation was formed from the treaties of the Choctaw's.Then we broke off and formed our own sovereign nation. Many of our "homeland security" warrior's were killed off by President Andrew Jackson and his "CZAR's" during the "Trail of Tears" fiasco of the 1830's by disease and suspicious ferry boat sinkings etc so we decided to walk all the way..we were the last to leave the Georgia and Tennessee valley as we had no where to go.. after having been double crossed many times thru the Government negotiations with Chief Tishamingo. We ended up in Oklahoma territory. my family founded Pauls Valley. Then Standard Oil the Microsoft of the time in the 1920's wanted our land for the Black Gold..we held out..and our people now share the wealth of Casino's and the Black Gold..which in turn has funded state of the art medical facilities in Ada, Okla. All free medical with no red tape hassles.Our system works for free medical for all... I just fill out one piece of paper with my C.D.I.B. card and name. thats it..then they cut me a check as they did last month for 1700. for two dental's the best insurance in the there are insurance systems that work without any name calling or CZAR's needed. I stand corrected in reference to the constitutional article's you mention and no nobility given. Plastic medicine Men is in reference to the so called "Enlightened whites" up in Sedona etc, who claim to be Shamans etc..  

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

OK there Chickasaw, I couldn't resist, I had a quick look on the internet. Wiki says you came from the Mississippi Valley area originally and I'm guessing quite far South again because you guys just aren't talked about where I came from.

Maybe that's why this person I heard referred to you as "mud thumpers" because of the river.  Maybe you were river people?

But it says you were relocated to Oklahoma. And you are still a nation. That's awesome. One of the things I see that's so important about this Constitutionalist movement to Native America is this whole idea of sovereignty and self-determination.

Not only that, but any honest scholar who adheres to the Constitution and who studies history will ulimately have to confront treaty law.

Constitutional law says treaties between sovereign nations are as high a law as the Constitution itself.

These are some basic reasons but there are others and even others which have to do with prophecy. Before you attack this movement, understand it and what it has to offer.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Ah, the "redder than thou" routine. Sorry there Oyasin, no takers on that fight.

What I refer to is Article 1 Sec. 8; "No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States".

In a way, the position is similar to doubts about Obama's legitimacy to hold office. It's not a judgement against the man or his abilities. It's an OBJECTIVE STANDARD type of thing.

Chickasaw eh? Not sure I ever met one. I know basically nothing about you except a vague idea you ended up down South somewhere. Naturally I'm interested to hear more.

One time I heard you referred to as "mud thumpers" but I wasn't sure if this was an insult or some other description. 

"Plastic indian" is probably an insult too but I got a ckuckly out of it. First we were camp indians then we were cigar-store indians and now we're plastic indians. Maybe in a few years we'll be  resin-based on a polymer substrate indians. Hey maybe one day we'll be bio-mimentic indians over polychromuim endoskeletonic combat chassis!

Then you will be sorry Chickasaw. Now this isn't part of any prophecy I've heard but the way you put it, it might as well be.

Comment by Max Woody Media-ocre
Entered on:

In reference to the "Plastic Medicine Man" Oyate's comment about these Czar's being unconstitutional. Every post appointment within the White House does not have to be vetted or approved by a congressional hearing. Every administration cleans house and brings in their own people.Some are good some are bad but it has been occurring for over 200 years and none of these administrations have turned into Hitler or Stalin etc...take it from a "real" Chickasaw nation Indian.My people were the original "Homeland Security" fighting Terrorism since 1492..take some peyote or at least a long drag from a good smoke by a warm fire...calm down..or at least go find a good squaw..  

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Wait, you are suggesting that because republicans used or started using the term (title of nobility) that should make it OK with us?

How little you understand. It's unconstitutional no matter who does it.

Alas for you and Little Red, forever confounded by the nuances outside the partisan lines.