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IPFS News Link • Money Bomb

(MoneyBomb) Ron Paul Endorsed David Fitzgerald AZ for State House

Hello fellow freedom lovers; my name is David Fitzgerald. I'm a Constitutional Conservative who is running for Arizona State House of Representatives in LD 6. I'm excited about the Tea Party movement that is sweeping across America. For me it doesn't matter if someone was motivated by Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Ron Paul or anyone else. The facts are, we all are coming together fighting open borders, out of control government spending, out of control government regulations, unconstitutional laws, high taxes, Freedom stealing legislation, etc. We are sick and tired of status quo and we aren't going to take it any longer! I participated in my first Tea Party on December 16th 2007. That was the very first one and look what it has grown to today. Ron Paul is who inspired me; while working on his presidential campaign he said to me, "it doesn't matter if I became president if I'm the only one. We need everyone to get involved and run for office." I took those wor