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IPFS News Link • Surveillance

Biometric Tracking In The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave

Speaking of easy to get, Technology Review reported on the prototype AIRprint device, a "biometric sensor that can scan fingerprints from a distance of two meters." In Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military often uses the small and portable Handheld Interagency Identity Detection System (HIIDE) a "hand-held tri-biometric system that allows users to enroll and match via any of the three primary biometrics: iris, finger and face." This biometric device is also pointed toward police applications. There is a new-and-improved version, four biometric tools in one, as recently announced by Lithuanian-based Neurotechnology. MegaMatcher 4.0, is a new "multi-biometric software development kit (SDK) that integrates fingerprint, iris, facial and palmprint biometrics in a single, high-performance SDK that requires no add-ons." Australian pubs and clubs are signing up for biometric databases in order to put an end to bar fighting. CNET points out the databases have almost no government regulation and biometric databases "are not covered by privacy laws, meaning that the handling of details are left to the discretion of technology vendors."