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"The Ground Zero Mosque - Second Wave of the 911 Attacks" premiers in New York

• The Political Commentator
"The Ground Zero Mosque - Second Wave of the 911 Attacks" produced by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer First an Introduction Before I attended the screening and discussion last night in New York City I went back to read some of the articles and comments that had been posted about the movie and about Geller/Spencer. "The Ground Zero Mosque - Second Wave of the 911 Attacks" had premiered February 11 at CPAC (not CPAC per se but in the same hotel). First a warning about this introduction. With an issue the magnitude of Islamic extremism, terrorism and Sharia Law there are so many topics, sub-topics, players and agendas that it can at times be difficult to get ideas down in a flowing, cogent way. You begin with one thought that quickly leads you somewhere else when you haven't finished the first yet. My goal in this introduction is to lay out my view of the issues. If I digress in any way, let me apologize now. Predictably, like most every topic of critical importance that c