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IPFS News Link • Israel - Palestine

Israel raids West Bank TV stations

• RT

Israeli troops have raided two Palestinian television stations in the West Bank, seizing transmitters and other equipment. The Palestinian PM denounced the operation, calling it “an oppressive and monstrous” move which violates “all international laws.”

­Thirty Israeli soldiers took part in Wednesday’s pre-dawn raid which targeted the privately-owned al-Watan TV outlet. The Israeli military accused the broadcaster of interfering with legal broadcasters and aircraft communications, AP reports.

The operation also targeted Jerusalem Educational TV, which is owned by the Palestinian Al Quds University. No reason was given for the second raid.

Both stations are based in Ramallah, the de facto administrative capital of the Palestinian Authority.

Visiting al-Watan later in the day, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said the operation was nothing short of “an attack against what is left of the Palestinian Authority's status in the West Bank."