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IPFS News Link • Political Parties

Alternatives to the Democrats and Republicans

•, By Press TV
 Libertarian party candidate Gary Johnson finished in third place with over a million votes.

Green Party candidate Jill Stein finished in fourth with over 400,000 votes.

Virgil Goode of the Constitution Party finished in fifth place.

Peace and Freedom Party candidate Roseanne Barr finished in sixth place. Her running mate was anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan.

And Cindy SheehanRocky Anderson of the Justice Party finished in seventh.

Following is a chart of the results so far for the US presidential election.

Candidate (Party) Electoral votes States carried Popular vote Percent
Obama (Democratic) 303 24+DC 61,304,426 50.51%
Romney (Republican) 206 25 58,230,919 47.98%
Johnson (Libertarian) 0 0 1,178,442 0.97%
Stein (Green) 0 0 414,545 0.34%
Goode (Constitution) 0 0 113,947 0.09%
Barr (Peace and Freedom) 0 0 49,380 0.04%
Anderson (Justice) 0 0 35,490 0.03%
Others 0 0 39,822 0.03%
Total 538 51 121,366,971 100.00%

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