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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

Why former 'Black Ops.' SAS sleep with a gun under their pillow

• Russia Today
....  This weekend came the extraordinary revelation that a former British special forces 'Soldier N' knew, 'it was the SAS who arranged Princess Diana's death and that has been covered up'. His parents spelt it out in a letter to a senior military officer, which appeared in evidence in the case of another former SAS soldier, Danny Nightingale.

While Nightingale had been caught in possession of an illegal firearm and ammunition, 'Soldier N' himself had quite a cache, a hand grenade, stun grenades, a Glock pistol and hundreds of rounds of ammunition at his home.

So are these former SAS men 'gun crazy' reprobates as the prosecution would have us believe? Or, having first or second hand knowledge of political assassinations, might they be justified in fearing for their lives?  ....
