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IPFS News Link • False Flag Operations

Slave Labor Camps Are Awaiting: “The People Must Be Brought To Their Knees”

•, Dave Hodges
  It is important to note that the people must be brought to their knees by denying food and through unconstitutional incarcerations as provided for under the NDAA and EO 13603.

The powers that be have no choice, as most Americans will not willingly go along with what is coming. In the previous parts of this series, the forces of WW III have aligned and are positioning for WW III. Your incarceration and subsequent use of your slave labor, under a declaration of martial law, is next.

Martial Law Has Been In Effect Since January 31, 2011

The day that Congress passed the NDAA and Obama signed it into law,on January 11, 2011, this illegitimate government declared war on the American people. If you have been living in a fog, the NDAA allows the government to secretly arrest and even murder you.  You don’t believe it, click here, right now. No, do not read the next sentence until you have clicked and read this link, or this link. Do I now have you attention?