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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Obama & Neocons Get Ball Rolling On World War III

• Prison Planet

Obama, Hillary Clinton, the State Department, John McCain and others in government have reached the conclusion Russia was behind the deadly attack on a Malaysian airliner in Ukraine. They have reached this conclusion despite the fact the attack occurred less than 24 hours ago and an investigation has yet to begin.

The neocon wing of the establishment is ready to begin the process of blaming Russia and start the process of punitive sanctions.

"I think we could bring this to the U.N. and start the ball rolling," Stephen Black, a Russia fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council, told USA Today. "Not just the Security Council, but the General Assembly, where Russia can't veto it. There are more economic tools. We did not simply block them from doing dollar-denominated transactions."

The AFPC is aligned with the American Enterprise Institute, the Center for Security Policy and other neocon advocacy groups responsible for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.