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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Korwin: Background Checks Fail Again, But Gun Confiscations Would Work


It highlights the vile politicians and pundits who call for more of it, while they dance in the blood of dead victims. The black church murders by a secreted parishioner, the jihad assault on a U.S. military recruiting station, the attack on a Texas art exhibit, maniacs committing atrocities at schools—all breathlessly promoted by the so-called "news" media—point to the same thing. "Officials" desperately want to disarm the people who didn't do anything, but they won't say that.

The person currently in the White House, candidates for that office on a debate stage, victimhood promoters of the anti-gun-rights cabal and other politicians—immediately on the heels of foul deeds—universally call now for "universal" background check "gun-control" laws, again.

Conscious people understand these are worthless efforts that only encumber innocent people. Not a single mass-promoted atrocity would be stopped by the preferred solution voiced by the left.


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