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IPFS News Link • Activism

So Long. All things must pass


People seemed to like that post a lot until they figured out the scary thing I was going to do was shut down the Daily Paul. They didn't like idea at all, which reveals a fundamental truth: When you do something that scares yourself, you're generally going to scare other people too.

The kinds of things that I suggested,

Find a new job. Come out of the closet. Ask that girl (guy) out on a date, or to marry you! Move across the world. Move across the country. Move across town. Change careers. Take on public speaking. Unlearn everything you've learned so far. Stop believing your own BS. Stop drinking whatever flavor of Kool Aid you happen to be drinking. Learn a new trick. Try a new belief. Shed your old skin. Whatever's not working for you, take it off like a ratty old pair of jeans, throw it away, leave it behind and don't look back.

are the kinds of scary things that also make other people uncomfortable, and unless you have an unusually risk-taking and supportive network of friends, they'll probably try to talk you out of it. People like it if you stay where you are, because it helps them stay where they are.