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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Libertarianism

Zootopia: Uniquely Stealthy Libertarian Story

• LewRockwell

It's become so mainstream, in fact, that almost every movie that parts from this collectivist and a statist box of allowable themes is a little too obvious, heavy-handed, or only focuses on one singular issue. Of course, the liberty movement has had some success in recent years. If one looks at the theme of the movie "Dallas Buyer's Club," it becomes obvious to the watcher that the FDA is far from the altruistic regulatory agency it presents itself as. In "Captain America: Winter Soldier," the attack on the surveillance state is in full force.

Disney's "Zootopia," passes itself off as another talking animal, small town girl becomes big city hero kind of story. I'll admit, even during the opening scenes, it was ready to present itself as a horrifying indoctrination of Political Correctness onto young, impressionable children. Honestly, it takes a libertarian to notice such heavy-handed and blatant pushing of such an agenda. Then I realized: that was the point. After giving the rest of the movie a chance, however, I couldn't help but smile at the scope and subtlety to which the story writers had expertly crafted multiple tenets of liberty and individualism, and stealthily wrapped it up in a cute Disney-style bow.