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IPFS News Link • United States

The Strange Case of Tulsi Gabbard and other Tales of Terror

•, By Gordon Duff

Americans had gotten used to this solution being used, after all we had lost his brother John and Martin Luther King. The least well-kept secret at the time was that organized crime along with the oil and defense industries ran Washington and would murder anyone that got in their way.

There are more players to consider but little has changed, no, it has actually gotten much worse. There is a modern day "Robert Kennedy" out there, it's Tulsi Gabbard, under attack by the jackals in Washington, perhaps not a big enough target, not yet anyway, for them to kill. We must wait and see.

One member of congress, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, stands alone against those crying for war with Syria, Russia and Iran. Only Gabbard, has openly criticized President Trump for attacking Syria without evidence.

Gabbard is a major in the Hawaii National Guard, has served two tours in Iraq and unlike General Michael Flynn, Tulsi Gabbard is a decorated combat veteran and wears the Combat Medical Badge.