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VIDEO: A Post CNN World, and The Future Of Journalism


Tim: Honestly I have no idea, I didn't go to journalism school, I started doing what I do because I wanted to learn, travel, and experience.  I wanted to understand people better, their beliefs, and political positions.

We started seeing recently that there's a huge market opportunity for confirmation bias news, what people just want to hear.  The Veritas video by James O'Keefe, where the supervising producer was caught saying that there are a lot of people who want to see the president scrutinized. CNN is able to just rag on Trump non-stop but if they did the same thing to Obama they would loose viewers.  & Fox News is the opposite.

It doesn't matter if you support or oppose the president, it matters that your honest.  I've never really talked about my political stances on things because I didn't think it mattered.  However it became an issue with various news outlets calling me right wing and far right, that I actually took the political compass test to show people that I am a center-left libertarian.  We don't care whose right, we care about what is right.

Luke:  We've seen the media landscape become so polarized within the last few months.  The debate has become, "is journalism activism".  I think the truth is always a gray area, just like every story we cover, it's about being the eyes and ears, and doing due diligence. When editing our experiential bias will come through, we have to shorten events and longer stories and select what is interesting, in that cutting down process, our perceived biases will naturally come through.

Tim: What really upsets me, and you hear this this from progressives, who often say that "there's no such thing as objective journalism".  I have to explain to people that objectivity does not mean omniscience.  I don't go to an event and see into the hearts and minds of every single person there and truly know everything.  I tell people that objective journalism is more like watching a fight from across the street.

If you ask me what happened I could objectively say the guy on the left punched the guy on the right. That's objective reporting, now if one of the guys happens to be my friend, now you have biased reporting. So you get people who are trying to win a political fight, they and their friends have political beliefs, and they refuse to loose.

These same people sometimes become journalists or they get hired by companies and the information they choose, purposefully omits key information. There is a difference between that and when we're trying our hardest to edit down a video of a protest or a riot and some things get cut. Then there is intentionally omitting facts, because we don't want to upset our political ideology.