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Michael Moore coordinated anti-Trump rally with Russia


How much does documentary filmmaker Michael Moore hate President Donald Trump?

So much, he's willing to follow the lead of Russian operatives and show-up with an estimated 5,000 angry leftists on an anti-Trump march in New York City.

That's according to The Daily Wire, who broke the story Wednesday that thousands of "anti-Trump activists attended an anti-Trump march in New York City last November — including, it seems, far-left documentary filmmaker Michael Moore — organized by Russian operatives looking to influence American politics using social media."

The protest was put together on social media by a Russian-backed group, "BlackMattersUS", who organized the event that called for angry Democrats to "Join us in the streets! Stop Trump and his bigoted agenda!"

The Hill reported that, "The BlackMatters organizing group was connected to the Internet Research Agency, a Russian 'troll farm' with ties to the Kremlin, according to a recent investigation by the Russian Magazine RBC."

The overall Russian goal is to use social media to sow discord and mistrust among American voters and deepen our divides.

These anti-Trump Russian "troll farms" have been particularly active since the election, according to Congressional testimony by lawyers representing Facebook and Twitter.

During the election, these Russian operatives attempted to create anger between Americans, the majority of which was directed against twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

"After the election you saw Russian-tied groups and organizations trying to undermine President Trump's legitimacy. Is that what you saw on Facebook?" Sen. Lindsey Graham asked lawyers from the social media network during their testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

They confirmed that, yes, Russian operatives are using the alt-left to fuel anger towards Trump's administration.

And who was seen headlining this Russian effort?

None other than director Michael Moore, who showed up to the November rally with a bullhorn and a documentary film crew at Trump Tower to demand Trump step down as president-elect.