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IPFS News Link • FBI

Horowitz Examining Past FISA Applications to Determine if FBI's 'Basic Errors' are Syste


Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a report earlier this month on the FBI's handling of the Russia investigation that concluded agents failed to inform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the controversial Steele dossier, cited in applications to spy on Trump campaign associate Carter Page during the 2016 election, was unreliable.

"The concern is that this is such a high-profile, important case. If it happened here, is this indicative of a wider problem — and we will only know that when we complete our audit — or is it isolated to this event?" Horowitz told lawmakers during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on Wednesday. "Obviously, we need to do the work to understand that."

The inspector general said the FBI agents involved in the Page FISA application failed to follow Woods Procedures, which require that the Justice Department verify the accuracy and provide evidentiary support for all facts stated in the warrant application and then log it in the Woods File.