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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden Assembling Commission To Study Supreme Court Reform

• by Tyler Durden

Housed under the purview of the White House Counsel's office, the commission will be filled out with "behind-the-scenes help of the Biden campaign's lawyer Bob Bauer." While the commission's mandate is 'still being decided,' we can only imagine it's the first step towards Democrats 'packing the court' to overcome its current conservative bias.

According to people familiar with the discussions, several members have already been selected - including Yale Law School professor Cristina Rodriguez - who served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Obama DOJ, and has been tapped to co-chair the commission. Others include "Caroline Fredrickson, the former president of the American Constitution Society, and Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law School professor and a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Bush Department of Justice," according to the report.