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IPFS News Link • Ukraine

Why Ukraine is Important to Powerful People in Washington:

•, By Alexandra Bruce

In this short clip from an interview with Donna Fiducia and Doug Neuen of, Lara Logan outlines her brutally honest perspective on why Ukraine is so important to people in power within the DC system.

She explains that Ukraine is at the center of this cult of Globalists. It is the center of money-laundering for the oligarchs and their allies in the United States, it's the center of the Russia Hoax and the Fake Impeachment.

She says,

"The Open Society Foundation, through the National Endowment for Democracy and all of these other fake NGOs, that are nothing more than Brown Shirts and SS rolled into one were running their radical policy through the United States Embassy, through USAID, using our tax dollars to slit our own throats!

"Now they're covering their own tracks in Ukraine, not just hiding the evidence of John Kerry's son, Biden's son, Nancy Pelosi's son. Mitt Romney's son, by the way, who's as disgusting as the rest of them.

"Not only are they covering their tacks, hiding all the evidence of their involvement in 'Russia collusion', hiding the evidence of the bioweapons facilities that the US has been funding there and yes, some of that was left over from the Soviet days, some of that has been turning bioweapons facilities into public health facilities but that is again, not the whole truth, is again, not the whole story.
