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Jan. 6 protester jailed for months without bail finally RELEASED as Trump makes pledge...

•, by: JD Heyes

A man arrested in June, along with his brother in Texas, on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building has finally won his release.

His attorney, Joseph McBride, noted in a tweet that he managed to secure release for his client, Adam Jackson, after both were locked up and denied bail months ago.

"Adam Jackson retained me in June after a TX Judge locked him up for protesting on J6. He was then extradited from TX to the Northern Neck Regional Jail Gulag. I argued for his release last week. WE WON. Adam Jackson will be released today!!!" McBride noted in his tweet which contained a photo of the federal judge's release order.

According to a report by KHOU-TV, Jackson and his brother, Brian Jackson, both from Katy, Texas, were placed in federal lockup days after their arrest earlier this summer and denied bail, which was in and of itself a horrendous injustice.

In his tweet, McBride did not mention Brian Jackson at all, so it's presumed that he is still behind bars.

Federal Magistrate Judge Andrew M. Edison called the pair a "threat to the community," KTRK-TV reported before they were sent to Washington, D.C., for trial.