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IPFS News Link • Political Parties

'Polling Earthquake': Austria's Anti-Immigration Freedom Party (FPÖ) Is Now Country'

• by John Cody

Described as a "polling earthquake" by Austrian newspaper Heute.atthe party would win 28 percent of the vote, according to the monthly poll conducted by Unique opinion research Institute for news magazine Profil.

At the same time, the Social Democrats (SPÖ) lost 2-percentage points, dropping to 24 percent. SPÖ fell even farther on the question of chancellor, with only 12 percent of respondents say they would vote for Pamela Rendi-Wagner, while last month that was 15 percent.

Currently, the FPÖ, led by Herbert Kickl, has a 4-point lead over SPÖ. Kickl has gained in popularity, with 17 percent saying they would vote for him, while in December, only 15 percent said they would.

What is fueling the swing towards the FPÖ?

Austria has seen a record number of asylum applications in 2022. In fact, asylum applications nearly tripled from 2021, reaching nearly 60,000. The news has shocked Austria and led to a sharp backlash from a population highly skeptical of mass immigration. The FPÖ, more so than any other major party, has made immigration restriction central to their platform.