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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Tens of Thousands of Dutch Farmers Protest in The Hague: "Resist Much, Obey Little!"

• By Richard Abelso

Local elections will be held on Wednesday, as the upstart Farmer's Party BBB looks poised to trounce the ruling party of RINO Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

The Dutch government has made itself the headquarters of the disastrous World Economic Forum Food Innovations Hub and wants to ban the use of nitrogen in fertilizer, bankrupting thousands of Dutch farmers and expropriating their land, in some cases even using that land to house illegal migrants instead.

The Dutch farmers are some of the best farmers in the world. The tiny country of the Netherlands has become the world's second-largest agricultural exporter just behind the United States. The Netherlands are smaller than the state of West Virginia.
