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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

REPORT: Trump keeps getting turned down by biggest podcaster in the US


Here's more via the New York Post:

Joe Rogan has turned down numerous requests from Donald Trump's camp to interview the former president on his popular Spotify podcast, according to a report.

Rogan has stated he is not a Trump supporter and that he has no desire to give the 45th president a platform — even though a large chunk of the podcaster's 11 million listeners do support the Republican front-runner.

However, after the two were seen shaking hands during a recent UFC fight in Las Vegas, Trump urged his advisers to explore further avenues for a sit-down, The Daily Beast reported.

One of Trump's informal advisers, Roger Stone, has reportedly offered to engage Rogan in a UFC-style cage match in hopes of forcing the podcaster to interview the former president, according to the news site.

"The mere discussion of Donald Trump on a blockbuster podcast like Joe Rogan builds a remarkable audience," a Trump adviser told The Daily Beast.

"Perhaps the only person bigger in the new media world than Joe Rogan is Donald Trump and the whole idea that the two of them would be together at long last — it would be an incredible audience."

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