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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

Priest to Pope Francis: I Accuse You of Heresy and Humbly Plead That You Correct Your Ways

• By Father Jesusmary Missigbeto

Editor's note: The following is an open letter by Father Jesusmary Missigbètò, an Opus Dei priest suspended in March of 2021 after criticizing Pope Francis's support of civil unions of homosexual couples the previous November and asking him to correct his position or resign. His previous writings can be viewed here.

Would you allow me, in my love for Jesus (Eternal Truth of the Father), for the Church and for you, to write this open letter to draw your attention, once again, to the fact that you have not yet corrected the errors and heresies of your magisterium that have changed Christian morality and doctrine through relativism and situational ethics (cf. Code of Canon Law 751; Robert Spaemann, interview of 29 April 2016 with Anian Christoph Wimmer of Catholic News Agency)?

Sincerely, we should be grateful to you because your pontificate has drawn attention to the place of the heart and tenderness in relations with one's neighbor, the care of the poor and marginalized, the mercy and understanding of pastors towards sinners, etc…

We should also mention the beautiful pages of encyclicals, exhortations, letters and homilies that contain precious texts such as the passage from Amoris laetitia on St. Paul's hymn to charity.

Pope St. John Paul II taught us to pray with the soul. Pope Benedict XVI taught us to think with our heads. And Pope Francis wanted to teach us to love with the heart. Has he succeeded? No.