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IPFS News Link • Senate/Senators

Trump slams Senate Republicans for going soft on Biden after 'all these horrible revelations


Former President Trump accused Senate Republicans of going soft on President Biden amid the 'horrible revelations' coming out of the Hunter Biden investigations, putting on display the rift between the House and Senate GOP

'Joe Biden is the most corrupt President in the history of the United States, which is being undeniably proven in the House of Representatives every single day,' Trump wrote on Truth Social on Monday.

His post came after a new New York Post report claimed Hunter Biden would dial in his then-vice president father Joe Biden into meetings with his overseas business partners.

'But with all of these horrible revelations and facts, why hasn't Republican 'leadership' in the Senate spoken up and rebuked Crooked Joe Biden and the Radical Left Democrats, Fascists, and Marxists for their criminal acts against our Country, some of them against me. How long does America have to wait for the Senate to ACT?' Trump added.

The House GOP has long been more pro-Trump than the Senate. 

Devon Archer, the first son's former business partner and friend, is expected to testify before the House Oversight Committee this week that the older Biden did sit in on meetings, both in person and over the phone, with Hunter and his foreign business partners, even as Joe Biden has claimed he never discussed business dealings with his son. 

It's not clear when Archer's testimony will occur as has learned he has canceled scheduled appearances before the committee three times.  

Archer is expected to tell the committee Joe spoke to Hunter's business associates, including those at Burisma, at least 24 times.

Anarchapulco June 2024