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IPFS News Link • Israel - Palestine

As "Most Important Election Of Our Lives" Looms, Trump Blasts "Weak & Ineffective

•, by Tyler Durden

During a campaign rally on Oct. 7 in Waterloo, Iowa, former President Trump responded to the surprise attack on Israeli towns by the terrorist group Hamas earlier in the day, criticizing President Biden for being a "weak leader".

"We're here today for a very important reason: to commit to caucus, we know what that means right, commit to caucus, exactly 100 days from now each and every one of you is going to cast the most important vote of your lives.

I believe that too. I believe that this will be the most important election of our lives because this country is headed in a horrible horrible direction and you so what took place today in Israel.

This country is just headed so badly [sic]."

Trump made it clear who was to blame for the attacks in Israel:

"The Israeli attack was made because we are perceived as being weak and ineffective and with a really weak leader and and uh the brutal murder of citizens is an act of savagery that must and will be crushed, has to be... It has to be dealt with very powerfully.

This is a time where the United States needs leadership -  we don't have leadership - but Israel is at War and the United States obviously is going to stick with Israel and strongly..."

Trump concluded with a pitch for his caucus:

"if we don't take back our country, we're not going to have a country. If we do take back our country, our country will be greater than ever before, I promise you that..."

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