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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

Why 2024 Will Be A Year For The Ages: Prophetic Signs In The Heavens Show God's...

•, By Alan Barton

As I and many others have said, the year 2024 is not going to be a normal year (please see Stefan Stanford's great article from December 30).   Far from it as a matter of fact; and that is judging only by what the present troubles and indicators show.  We will not go into all of that now as there have been numerous articles, sermons, shows and more on all of that.  I would rather discuss some things that may be a bit out of the ordinary to many, some of which we have covered before but a refresher is always welcome.  Perhaps we should begin with something that I have mentioned over and over and that is the significance of the August 21, 2017 and the April 8, 2024 solar eclipses that cross over the middle of the nation and what that may portend.

Do not fall for the argument that we are dabbling in sorcery and astrology, which is not the case.  What we are doing is acknowledging the fact that the Lord said a number of times that He uses the heavens to give signs and seasons and that there are going to be signs in the heavens before Jesus Christ returns to Earth and qualifies as Astronomy, NOT the sorcery of "astrology" although we recognize that the astrological signs are of most ancient order and are likely originating with God.  Please see the first video below for further explanation of this understanding.  I see this pair of eclipses as part of those signs along with the Revelation 12 sign a month later on September 23, 2017.   To be fair, solar eclipses happen on a regular basis and usually over open water, but when in conjunction with promised peoples and their disobedience to their covenants and over their lands, it portrays something else other than pure mathematical and mechanical sequencing of orbiting bodies.  The United States is one such covenant peoples as our Founding Fathers dedicated this land to our Creator Jesus Christ and we are now breaking that promise to Him.

The Revelation 12 sign of 2017, however, has not happened before in earth's mortal history exactly as described but has come closest in 3915 BC.  Yes, very similar situations have happened before, but not exact as in the way the one in September 2017 follows precisely the revelation given to John by Jesus Christ.  There would be missing stars over the Virgin's head (constellation Virgo), and the sun would not be over her shoulder, or many other variations but NONE have had the "Conception comet" C/2017 E1 that appeared to the naked eye when exiting Jupiter (representing God the Father) in Leo (also representing God) and entering the Virgin's womb for nine months and then exiting the womb via the physically proper area, then disappearing.