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IPFS News Link • Free Speech

ZOOM Call January 23: Let's Talk Free Speech!

•, By Neenah Payne

Patrick is the Founder and Director of Citizens For Free Speech: A Nation of Defenders which he started in 2018 when he saw the collusion between Facebook and Twitter.

See Patrick Wood: Let's Talk Free Speech Now! for information about the first ZOOM call on January 16. Forty people registered and 33 enthusiastic participants showed up. Patrick concluded the Zoom call by asking if anyone would be interested in periodic ZOOM calls on this topic. Everyone agreed that would be a terrific idea. Patrick will host the second "Let's Talk Free Speech" ZOOM call on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 4:00PM Pacific, 5:00PM Mountain, 6:00PM Central, 7:00PM Eastern. There will also be ZOOM calls on Jan 30 and Feb 6. To participate in the ZOOM calls, subscribe at:

Patrick says:

We need to talk! Never in history have the forces of darkness launched an all-out attack on Free Speech: The United Nations, The World Economic Forum, governments, countless NGOs, and Big Tech are all colluding and conspiring to shut all dissenting speech that is contrary to their narrative. This is clearly a war against the people of the world, and especially against the United States. Join our weekly TUESDAY afternoon town hall sessions for a rousing discussion on how to FIGHT BACK! Invite friends, media, and elected officials.

When Free Speech Dies, Killing Begins

Patrick opened the Zoom call by explaining that the Censorship Industrial Complex began in 2016 in response to Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. The globalists had not realized that so many people would seek to cancel their plans for world domination. So, the vote for nationalism in both Brexit and Trump's election blindsided them. They didn't know that so many people wanted to think for themselves or could do so. Wood explained that Trump was a total disaster for the globalists. They thought Hillary Clinton was going to be elected. They knew if they didn't stop the growing nationalism, it would become contagious.

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